Build Linphone easily in iOS for any versions

Yagnik Suthar
1 min readJan 3, 2018


  1. Go to this link

2. Clone this project using Terminal :

git clone

3. Install HomeBrew, a package manager for OS X

4. Install latest JDK for Suitable your MAC version

5. Go to in project directory for this use below code in terminal :

cd linphone-iphone

6. Write below code in terminal :

sudo ./

7. Write below code in terminal :

git submodule sync && git submodule update --init --recursive

8. Build SDK (see below for options and explanations) using below code in terminal:

./ -c && ./ && make

9. Use below code before using this code Quit or close the xcode write:

sudo ./ -G Xcode -g && make

10. Then open the linphone project build it and run it. :)

Thanks for reading!!!

if you know someone who might find this helpful, Please share it :-)



Yagnik Suthar

 Sr. Software Engineer @simform + gamer + blogger + Traveler