Comprehensive Guide to Installing Elasticsearch 8.12.0, Kibana, and Elastic AI Assistant on Windows (2° Part)

Giacomo Martino
4 min readJan 22, 2024


Link to 1° Part:

Comprehensive Guide to Installing Elasticsearch 8.12.0, Kibana, and Elastic AI Assistant on Windows (1° Part) | by Giacomo Martino | Jan, 2024 | Medium

Understanding and Installing Elastic AI Assistant


Elastic introduces the Observability AI Assistant, a powerful tool utilizing generative AI to enhance your Observability experience. This AI Assistant, powered by connectors for OpenAI or Azure OpenAI Service, brings contextual insights and chat functionality to streamline interactions within the Observability environment.

Contextual Insights

  • Receive open prompts throughout Observability explaining errors, messages, and suggesting remediation.


  • Engage in conversations with the AI Assistant using function calling to request, analyze, and visualize data.

Note: The AI Assistant is integrated with a large language model (LLM) provider, known for occasional inaccuracies. While Elastic facilitates configuration and connection to the LLM provider and your knowledge base, Elastic is not responsible for LLM responses.

Important: Data provided to the Observability AI Assistant is not anonymized, stored, and processed by the chosen third-party AI provider. Exercise caution when sharing confidential or sensitive details.


  • Elastic Stack version 8.9 and later.
  • Enterprise subscription.
  • Account with a third-party generative AI provider supporting function calling (OpenAI gpt-4+, Azure OpenAI Service gpt-4(0613) or gpt-4–32k(0613) API version 2023–07–01-preview or later).

Setting up Observability AI Assistant

Steps to Enable Trial License in Kibana

To leverage the Elastic AI Assistant, you first need to access Kibana and activate a trial license. Follow these steps:

1. Access Kibana:

2. Log In to Kibana:

  • Enter your Kibana credentials to log in.

3. Navigate to License Management:

4. Start Trial:

  • Within License Management, find the “Start Trial” button.
  • Click “Start Trial” to initiate the trial license.

Activating Elastic AI Assistant in Observability Apps

To fully utilize the Observability AI Assistant, set up a Generative AI connector.
Access the “Manage Connectors” section within Settings.

Select OpenAI as the connector and provide the required settings. To generate the API key, navigate to the specified link for key creation.

How to Get an OpenAI API Key (

Downloading and Deploying Elastic Learned Sparse EncodeR v2 Model

To fully leverage the capabilities of the Elastic AI Assistant, it is essential to download and deploy the Elastic Learned Sparse EncodeR v2 model (.elser_model_2). This model, recommended for optimal performance, enhances the AI Assistant’s ability to generate contextually relevant responses and insights.

Knowledge Base: Expanding AI Assistant’s Capabilities

The Knowledge Base serves as a pivotal component in augmenting the capabilities of the Elastic AI Assistant. By enriching the Knowledge Base with diverse and relevant data, users can significantly enhance the AI Assistant’s proficiency in providing accurate, context-aware, and tailored responses.

Add new entry:

Testing Ai Assistant

Chatting with the AI Assistant:

Click on the AI Assistant icon located in the upper-right corner of any Observability application to initiate a chat. This action opens the AI Assistant flyout, allowing you to pose queries related to your instance:


In summary, this guide has provided a comprehensive walkthrough for installing Elasticsearch 8.12.0, Kibana, and the Elastic AI Assistant on Windows. The AI Assistant, powered by generative AI, enhances Observability with contextual insights and dynamic chat functionality.

Key steps covered include activating a trial license in Kibana, configuring the AI Assistant via the OpenAI connector, and deploying the recommended Elastic Learned Sparse EncodeR v2 model for optimal performance. The Knowledge Base plays a crucial role in refining the AI Assistant’s capabilities.

Now equipped with these tools, you can confidently test the AI Assistant by initiating chat conversations. Click the AI Assistant icon to engage in dynamic interactions, making the most of Elasticsearch, Kibana, and the powerful AI capabilities at your disposal.


Observability AI Assistant | Elastic Observability [8.12] | Elastic

Elastic Security 8.12 sees upgrades for AI Assistant, CSPM, and more! | Elastic Blog

Install Elasticsearch with .zip on Windows | Elasticsearch Guide [8.12] | Elastic

