Demystifying Kubernetes Ingress: ALB vs. Nginx

4 min readAug 12, 2023


Introduction: In the dynamic world of Kubernetes, efficiently managing incoming traffic to your services is paramount. Two popular solutions for achieving this are Kubernetes Ingress with AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Kubernetes Ingress with Nginx. While both serve the same overarching purpose, they offer distinct features that cater to different needs. In this article, we’ll delve into the key differences between Kubernetes Ingress using ALB and Nginx, helping you make an informed decision based on your requirements.

From : Cloud Avenue

1. AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) Ingress:

  • Purpose and Integration: ALB Ingress is a powerful tool that tightly integrates with the AWS ecosystem. If your Kubernetes cluster resides within AWS, ALB provides seamless integration with other AWS services, allowing you to create a cohesive application infrastructure.
  • Layer 7 Load Balancing: ALB operates at the application layer, enabling it to route traffic based on advanced criteria such as URL paths, hostnames, and headers. This granularity is ideal for complex scenarios requiring intricate routing rules.
  • Advanced Features: ALB supports features like AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) for enhanced security and content-based routing. It also offers SSL/TLS termination, simplifying the process of handling secure connections.
  • Limitations: ALB’s main limitation is its AWS exclusivity. If you’re considering multi-cloud or hybrid cloud deployments, ALB might not be the most suitable option.
From: AWS

2. Nginx Ingress Controller:

  • Versatility and Cross-Cloud Compatibility: Nginx Ingress is a more versatile solution that can be deployed in various environments, including different cloud providers and on-premises setups. This makes it a better choice for organizations with complex infrastructure needs.
  • Routing Flexibility: Nginx excels in providing flexible routing options, making it an excellent choice for scenarios that require intricate routing configurations. It supports name-based virtual hosting, URL rewrites, and more.
  • Configuration Control: While Nginx Ingress offers powerful features, it might require more manual configuration compared to ALB. This can be both an advantage and a challenge, depending on your familiarity with Kubernetes configuration.
  • Advantages: Nginx Ingress is not tied to a specific cloud provider, making it suitable for multi-cloud and hybrid environments. It also provides more advanced routing and customization options.
From: The New Stack

Conclusion: Choosing between Kubernetes Ingress with ALB and Nginx depends on your specific needs and environment. If your application predominantly resides within the AWS ecosystem and you require seamless integration with AWS services, ALB might be the better fit. On the other hand, if you seek versatility, cross-cloud compatibility, and advanced routing flexibility, Nginx Ingress could be your solution of choice. Remember that the right decision depends on your organization’s unique requirements and future growth plans.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Kubernetes, understanding the nuances of Ingress options empowers you to architect a resilient, performant, and scalable application infrastructure.


kind: Ingress
name: my-alb-ingress
annotations: alb ip
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: my-devops-service
number: 80


  • This YAML file creates an Ingress resource configured for the AWS ALB.
  • The ingress.class annotation is set to alb to indicate that this Ingress resource is intended for the AWS ALB.
  • The annotation is set to ip to indicate that the backend services are IP addresses.
  • Under spec.rules, the routing configuration is defined, in this case, based on the hostname.
  • In this example, traffic is routed to the my-devops-service on port 80.

Nginx Ingress Controller YAML:

kind: Ingress
name: my-nginx-ingress
annotations: /
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: my-devops-service
number: 80


  • This YAML file creates an Ingress resource configured for the Nginx Ingress Controller.
  • Under spec.rules, the routing configuration is defined, again based on the hostname.
  • In this example, traffic is routed to the my-devops-service on port 80.
  • The annotation is used to modify the request path during forwarding. In this case, the path is rewritten to /.

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Cloud/Devops Engineer/Terraform Certified / AWS Certified / Kubernetes Certified/ Aws Community Builder