“Becoming Friends with the Omani Minister Plenipotentiary Through Oman and Awa’s AAwa’s historical ruins”

4 min readDec 27, 2023


The top photo is of stone stacking ruins from an Omani brochure.

Bonds Forged Through Ancient Ruins

I was in Malaysia recently.

Today, I’ll share about a special encounter from that trip.

A kind of extra edition, if you will.

In Southeast Asian country Malaysia,

I was invited to the Omani Embassy,

It was an honor to meet the Omani Minister Plenipotentiary, Minister Plenipotentiary Mr.Mohamed Najeeb Al Bulushi, Charge d’Affaires.

At the Omani Embassy in Malaysia

The next day, surprisingly,

I received an offer to meet again.

Private time with the Minister, Mr. Mohamed Najeeb Al Bulushi…

A miraculous tea session.

An unbelievable turn of events to have a tea time with the minister.

During our first meeting at the embassy,

I saw Oman’s tourism brochure/leaflet.

I noticed a stone-stacked ruin which I love,

Uninteresting to most.

I asked the minister about it.

My interest in that seemed quite rare to the minister,

Leading to an exciting conversation about stone stacking ruins in Oman and all around the world.

The private tea time with the Minister

Oman’s Valuable Ruins

I’ve visited several Middle Eastern countries,

Like Dubai and Qatar,

Where modern buildings line the streets,

And the cities are beautiful.

Dubai Fountain

Doha, Qatar

But in those cities ,Dubai and Qatar, there’s no sense of the old and historical.

Even if there is,It’s in museums,

And you can’t glimpse the past lifestyles of the Middle East.

That was my disappointment

Seeing Dubai and Qatar.

On the other hand, just a 3.5-hour drive from Dubai,

Or a quick flight,

To Oman’s capital, Muscat,

And other cities.

I was informed by the Minister that there in Oman, alongside beautiful nature,

Ancient ruins remain and historical places of the Middle East.

From an Omani brochure,

Terraced fields resembling ancient rice terraces.

From an Omani brochure,Ancient ruins.

The minister has spoken “For you,

We’ll arrange a special tour, come.”

Such a gracious invitation.So honored to be invited by the minister, Mr, Mohamed.

Therefore, I plan to visit Oman soon with excitement and hope for the betterment of both Oman and Japan.

Dubai is modernized.

Qatar, successful host of the Soccer World Cup.

They both lack a charm, the true attraction, which is the historical sites.

Oman has them.

Oman: The Next Hub for Tourism and Business Opportunities

From my meeting with the minister, I’ve gained insights into Oman’s initiatives to attract foreign investors and entrepreneurs, with a particular emphasis on tourism and Oman’s commitment to education.

Above all,

Oman is likes Japan.

I heard that one of the King’s relative’s wife was a Japanese woman.

And importantly,

Oman is a country that does not engage in conflicts.

Oman gets along well with its neighbors and other countries in the Middle East, even though there are sometimes conflicts in the Middle East region.

Oman is preserving peace. What a safe country.

That’s the most reassuring point.

That’s how I felt.

My interest in historical places began with Awa, Japan, especially the ancient ritual sites and unique stone arrangements found on shrine steps there. I’m very grateful for this starting point.

Ancient history hobby, seen as strange by my wife.

Unexpectedly came in handy as it cultivated my interest in Oman immensely . (Laugh)

With this as a start, I’ll visit Oman,

To explore the connections in ancient history and to find out the potential of Oman. To find out what I can do for Oman.

Everyone, Why not explore the yet unrevealed charms of Oman?

For tourism, of course,

But also for business and investment,

I think it’s a very attractive country.

From an Omani brochure,Beautiful cityscapes remain

Today, I Wrote about my interest in ancient historical place which led to my interest in Oman.

This blog is the special edition.

Thank you for reading to the end.

Your follow is encouraging. 💛




Business owner. Hobbies: Visiting shrines, ancient sites, playing with cats. Began a resort business in Tokushima, a cultural- rich city on Shikoku, Japan.