Types of Orthodontic Retainers

Yamini Sarthak
3 min readDec 19, 2019

Retainers are classified into two types as Removable retainers and Permanent retainers. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. The Orthodontists suggest a suitable one depending on the kind of bite problem you had.

The straightened teeth can move back to their places after removing the braces due to the absence of force applied by the orthodontic braces over the teeth. The bone around the aligned teeth has to be rebuilt to hold the teeth in their aligned position. Usually, this process takes an average of 3 to 6 months. Until then, you should protect the teeth from naturally generated forces to keep the teeth from moving.


An orthodontic retainer is an appliance that can hold the teeth in their place after wrapping the orthodontic treatment. A detailed not on the different types of retainers are explained here.

1) Removable Retainers

As the name suggests, the removable retainers can be easily taken out from the mouth when you want. Fixing this retainer does not need support from dentists. This retainer is fabricated with a metal wire and plastic. If you want the appliance in an exact match of the roof of your mouth, then the plastic will be replaced with acrylic material.

The removable retainers can also be categorized into two types as follows:

· Hawley retainers

· Clear plastic retainers

Hawley Retainers — The retainer consists of a metal wire and made up of plastic or acrylic. It can be placed on both the upper and lower teeth. The function of this appliance is the same as the metal braces. The wire present in the retainer applies force to maintain the aligned position of teeth.


· Highly durable

· Easy to repair

· Easy to adjust


· Speech obstruction

· Easily noticeable

· It irritates slightly in the initial days

Clear Plastic Retainers — Also known as vacuform retainers. These clear retainers look like an Invisalign but made up of plastic-like material like polyurethane customized with the impression of the teeth.


· More comfortable than Hawley retainers

· It is invisible and cannot be identified


· Hard to adjust and repair

· It will cause speech impediments

· It easily undergoes modification in shape when it is exposed to heat.

Both the removable retainers should be handled with care as they are brittle and can be easily broken. You should clean and maintain the appliance like your natural teeth else bacteria begin to settle and breed over the retainers.

2) Permanent Retainers

These are also called as bonded retainers. It has a metal wire that is attached over the backside of the front teeth to prevent the aligned teeth from shifting back to their positions. Generally, Orthodontists prefer this appliance for kids because they do not maintain the post-care orthodontic treatment instructions without the help of their parents.

Dentists recommend bonded retainers after wrapping teeth braces because the permanent retainers cannot be removed without a dentist’s help. This mandates the person to wear the appliance for many hours and keep the straightened teeth in their place effectively.

You cannot get this advantage in removable retainers until you wear that appliance for a long time in a day.


The force produced when you eat, chew and swallow food, bite, speak are called naturally generated forces. Such forces on the teeth after removing the dental braces are powerful to shift back the teeth to their previous position. Wearing retainers is the only way to avoid this problem.

You can remove the retainer also when the new bone underneath the teeth developed. The duration ranges from some months to years. Meanwhile, you should check the teeth even after removing the retainers at regular intervals to assure the position of the teeth.

