2 min readFeb 9, 2018

Why Omnitude is a Revolution in eCommerce


This project looks very promising. It provides a method for direct electronic commerce between the consumer and the trader and saves the data and builds a business reputation in the blockbuster and obtains a coin. This currency will be used for direct payment between the trader and the consumer or between the trader and the big manufacturers. The transfer of money, which takes a high fee compared to the transaction transfer fees Blockchain.

One of the features of this project. Also you can to follow the movement of the goods you buy, and when to arrive at any time and easily through the applications of the mobile and pay the payment according to the movement of the goods and not advance payment.

Another advantage , build a commercial reputation at blockchain which will be a reference to return to any dealer to inquire about you and the reputation of the merchant reference in the Blockchain and a lot of features that you need to upload your data each time with any new deal .

Register at Omnitude for first time only and then your data will be saved at the blockchain and any new deal you don’t need to raise your data again. High security violin and protection from fraud

2-What is Omnitude?

The Omnitude platform will act as middleware, enabling simple integration of blockchain technology into existing eCommerce and supply chain structures to reduce online retail fraud, create transparency, and resolve pain points in both sectors.

Omnitude enables businesses to solve problems in ways that were not previously possible without the rise of blockchain technology.

Omnitude will help achieve:

· The creation of transparent and accountable manufacturing and supply chains.

· A significant reduction in eCommerce fraud.

· The enablement of a single customer identity for use across any Omnitude connected eCommerce site.

· Blockchain integration between enterprise systems such as ERP & WMS.

· … And many more solutions from Omnitude and the community built as Omnitude App

3-What problems does the Omnitude aim to solve?

The Omnitude Solution to eCommerce Fraud

Omnitude’s implementation of a ‘Single Identity’ and ‘Single Reputation’ on a blockchain will provide the means to help merchants reduce the most common form of eCommerce fraud, Identity Theft, whereby fraudulent transactions are undertaken using a different identity, typically spending on someone else’s credit card or account. In providing users with a Single Identity on the blockchain, Omnitude will relieve merchants from the need to keep and secure extensive local databases containing sensitive personal data about their customers. Such databases are at risk of being compromised by ‘hacking’.


In my opinion, this project is one of the most solid ones

4-How do I participate and what are the terms of the token sale?

Sign up at website http://omnitude.tech

In the meantime, please also have a read of technical and main whitepapers (https://files.acrobat.com/a/preview/75fe0af9-d98b-4002-863c-138b43a131ef).

Also you can join Telegram

