Bridging YAMP with AnySwap : Poly <-> BSC

2 min readAug 17, 2021


Polygon is quickly growing in popularity and the need to bring not just ERC20 tokens there, but also activity from Binance Smart Chain is growing. As a first step to fill this need AnySwap has created a bridge for BEP20 BNB directly to Polygon, which YAMP utilises.

As YAMP launched on Polygon, the majority of liquidity is there, however as the community has recently seen our BSC pools are thriving and we know most of you don’t want to miss out on those juicy APY %s on BSC !

Bridging your YAMP from Poly to Binance Smart Chain and vice versa is now super easy with AnySwap. Find the below details to safely bridge your $YAMP :

To bridge from Poly to BSC, open this link and connect your wallet :

To bridge from BSC to Poly, open the same link, but click on “Redeem” :

Simple! We look forward to seeing you on both chains.

