3 common foot problems and how to prevent them.

Yamuna Body
3 min readJun 20, 2018



The first common foot problem that most people will have at some point in their lives are bunions. These are bumps that form at the base or side of the big toe and sometimes little toe. These often painful and unsightly bumps are caused by many factors, especially wearing ill-fitting shoes and never really learning how to use your feet correctly when walking.

To prevent bunions, proper foot care is necessary. Start by throwing out all tight-fitting or narrow shoes that force your feet to be shaped at an unnatural angle. Next, take a look at Yamuna’s Walking Test for foot pain. This test will help you to understand how to properly place your feet when walking. Then begin to develop the lateral line of your feet so that you stop continuously walking into your big toe.

Plantar Fasciitis

Another common foot issue is plantar fasciitis, which is most commonly felt as pain just below your heel of the foot on the inside edge. There are many causes of this foot problem, including running, dancing or any activity that puts a lot of pressure on the inner side of the feet. These continuous strenuous actions can strain the ligaments in the heel.

Plantar Fasciitis can be prevented by reducing the amount of pressure applied to feet daily. Learning how to use every part of your feet when walking can prevent and heal plantar fasciitis. Try shifting weight from one foot to the other when standing, doing less strenuous exercise, or try standing on the outside of your feet to take pressure off the inflamed area. Furthermore, when standing, your feet should not be flat on the ground but in an arched position. Training your lateral side of the foot when standing and walking will keep the feet more arched and reduce inflammation.


The last most common foot problem is Hammertoes, which can present as we age. These, like bunions, can be painful and unsightly bumps at the top of toes. They are often caused by wearing shoes that are too tight, which causes tendons to weaken and toes to curl up. This foot problem, if left untreated, can make walking a difficult task.

To prevent hammertoes wider shoes are recommended to give your toes all the extra space they need. Wearing more flats and less high heels can also prevent hammertoes. Learning how to stretch and strengthen each toe can also help to prevent and turn around hammer toes.

Yamuna Foot Savers are an excellent option for preventing and curing hammertoes, bunions, plantar fasciitis and many other foot problems.



Yamuna Body

Creator of Yamuna Wellness Education and Products. Known for Yamuna: Body Logic, Body Rolling, Foot Fitness, Save Your Body Parts, In Bed, Anatomy U.