How to strengthen your arms with Yamuna®

Yamuna Body
3 min readSep 14, 2018


Our shoulders, arms, hands and wrists are continually in motion, performing most daily tasks throughout our lives. However, many times our hands can be overused, which can cause a gradual decrease in overall arm function. The older we get, the more loss of hand function occurs in both men and women.

Hand and wrist problems are becoming epidemic in our society. With the overuse of computers, game boys, and smart phones the muscles of the hands are repetitively stressing. It is predicted that we will soon see more hand problems than we have ever seen before… that’s why we created the Yamuna® Save Your Hands and Wrists Kit.

Here is how you can strengthen and keep the connection between your shoulders, arms, hands and wrists.

Position 1: Hands Facing Forward (Neutral)

Step 1:

Place your hands firmly on Yamuna® Hand Wakers. Connect the muscle chain of your hands through to the back of the shoulders, and build strength evenly from your hands to the back.

Step 2:

Bend your elbows and let a little of your weight down into your hands. You are not pushing down yet. On an exhalation, push your hands down into the Yamuna® Hand Wakers and slowly straighten your arms.

Steps 3:

When you get to the shoulders, lift the upper back up towards the ceiling. Inhale into the upper back between the shoulders. Next, slowly exhale back down. Take another inhalation, then exhale and repeat the movement of straightening the arms. Do 5 repetitions. If you have hyper extended elbows keep them slightly bent.

Keep the hands pushing down into the Yamuna® Hand Wakers during the entire movement.

Position 2: Hands Turned Outwards

Turn your palms outwards to continue working the muscle chain of your hands, arms and shoulders. Follow the same sequence of steps / movements explained above in Position 1:(1) bend elbows to start, (2) exhale and press hands into wakers, straightening your arms, (3) inhale to lift the upper back towards the ceiling, (4) exhale back down, and (5) finally inhale before repeating the sequence 4 more times for a total of 5 reps.

Position 3: Hands Turned Inwards

Turn your palms inwards and connect your hands all the way through your elbows, shoulders, and upper back. We are now working your shoulder joint in a different angle.

With the hands turned in, breathing into the upper back in this position is key. Exaggerate the inhalation! Complete 5 reps.

Position 4: Hands Turned Backwards

The last hand position for connecting hands to shoulders to upper back! Place the palms down with fingers facing towards you. It is a little harder to press down in this direction.

Go through the same movements as the prior positions and complete 5 reps.


Do not overwork your hands! Listen to your body and do not go over your limits. Doing these exercises in the four positions mentioned will build strong and toned arms.

With regular practice, you will free most shoulder limitations and create the strength and integrity of the muscle chains from the shoulders to the fingers.

Learn more about how you can strengthen your arms, as well as all other parts of your body, at

Yamuna USA: the place for mind and body wellness. Body-rolling, bone-stimulation, pain-reduction, self-help, foot fitness and learn how to heal your anatomy.



Yamuna Body

Creator of Yamuna Wellness Education and Products. Known for Yamuna: Body Logic, Body Rolling, Foot Fitness, Save Your Body Parts, In Bed, Anatomy U.