Learn how to take care of your hands and prevent hand problems with Yamuna®.

Yamuna Body
2 min readOct 8, 2018


Hand problems are not uncommon for many adults, often stemming from several bad habits that include improper use of the hands and a lack of proper care.

70% of hand injuries result from not wearing any type of hand protection. ¹

Here are 4 common hand problems affecting adults today, and how Yamuna® can help.

1. Carpal Tunnel

Carpel tunnel syndrome is one of the most common hand problems in the world, affecting around 4–10 million Americans along.

This problem primarily affects the wrist, with causes ranging from excessive typing to biological factors such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Excessive pressure on the wrist results in inflammation, and this inflammation causes pressure on the median nerve.


2. Hand Tendinitis

The cords that attaches bones to muscles are called tendons. Tendinitis occurs when these cords becomes inflamed, with Hand Tendinitis usually occurring with repetitive actions such gardening, painting or even golfing. The wrist and fingers are two of the most affected areas in the body.

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3. Hand Arthritis

Hand arthritis or osteoarthritis mostly affects the joints in the hands and wrists.Over time, the protective cartilage located at the end of bones wear away and as a result causes Arthritis.


While Arthritis can affect anyone, persons over 50 are often more affected. Eventually, the affected joints become inflamed and cause excruciating pain.

4. Trigger Finger

In the hand are long cord-like structures called flexor tendons. The flexor tendons are within a tube structure called tendon sheath, and around these sheets are A1 pulleys. When the A1 pulley becomes inflamed it prevents the flexor tendon from gliding properly; the finger becomes restricted. While this condition is attributed to medical conditions such as diabetes and the rigorous use of the hand, the direct cause is virtually unknown.

Learn how to take care of your hands and prevent hand problems, anywhere.

Yamuna® Save Your Hands and Wrists


¹ blog.ringersgloves.com



Yamuna Body

Creator of Yamuna Wellness Education and Products. Known for Yamuna: Body Logic, Body Rolling, Foot Fitness, Save Your Body Parts, In Bed, Anatomy U.