What Happens When You Type https://www.google.com in Your Browser and press enter?

Yaninthé Tiomene
3 min readSep 15, 2023

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when you type “https://www.google.com” into your browser and hit Enter? The seemingly simple act triggers a complex orchestration involving multiple components of the web stack. In this post, we’ll take you on a journey through the key stages of this process, from DNS request to database retrieval.

Step 1. DNS Request: The Internet’s Phonebook

Before your browser can connect to Google’s servers, it needs to find the IP address associated with “www.google.com”. Think of this like using a phonebook to find someone’s number. When you enter the URL, a DNS (Domain Name System) request is made to translate the human-readable domain name into an IP address.

Step 2. TCP/IP: The Internet’s Language

The next step is communicating with Google’s servers using TCP/IP, the foundation of the internet. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) ensures reliable data transmission, while IP (Internet Protocol) routes data to the correct destination. It’s like sending a letter to the post with a clear address.

Step 3. Firewall: The Internet’s Gatekeeper

Just as a gatekeeper checks who enters a secure area, a firewall monitors incoming and outgoing traffic. It acts as a protective barrier, filtering out potential threats and ensuring that only legitimate requests reach Google’s servers.

Step 4. HTTPS/SSL: Secure Communication

Now, let’s talk about security. When you see “https://” in the URL, it means you’re using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. This is like sending your information in a locked, secure box. SSL certificates establish a secure connection, safeguarding your data during transmission.

Step 5. Load Balancer: Handling the Traffic

To handle the millions of requests Google receives every second, load balancers come into play. Imagine a traffic cop directing cars efficiently. Load balancers distribute incoming requests across multiple servers, ensuring websites remain fast and available.

Step 6. Web Server: Serving Web Pages

The web server is where the action happens. It processes your request, retrieves the requested web page, and sends it back to your browser. It’s like a restaurant kitchen preparing and serving your meal.

Step 7. Application Server: Handling Dynamic Content

For dynamic websites and web apps, an application server steps in. It runs scripts, communicates with databases, and ensures that interactive elements, like search bars and user accounts, function smoothly.

Step 8. Database: Storing and Retrieving Data

Beneath it all, databases store the data that websites and applications rely on. When you search for something on Google, it’s like the database retrieving relevant information from a vast library of web pages.

Conclusion: The Web Stack Symphony

So, the next time you enter a URL and press Enter, remember the intricate web stack that powers your online experience. From the initial DNS request to database retrieval, it’s a complex symphony of components working together seamlessly to deliver the web content you requested.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the inner workings of the web. If you found this post informative or have suggestions to improve this, be sure to leave a comment and follow me on LinkedIn and Medium for more tech-related content.



Yaninthé Tiomene

Highly skilled machine learning engineer and software engineer with a background in civil aviation engineering.