The Body Knows: 7 Physical Indicators of a Spiritual Downturn

Your Physical Health, a Reflection of Your Spiritual State

Yana Thompson
3 min read6 days ago


Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Hey, let’s talk about this grace thing. You know, that divine energy supposed to flow through us, making life a breeze? But, sometimes, that flow gets a little… off. And when it does, it can show up in some unexpected ways.

I’m talking about physical signs that your spiritual connection might be wonky. It’s not just the typical “I feel off” vibes. You see and feel these things, and I will explain them. And remember, this isn’t about judgment or condemnation. It’s about awareness and understanding. Because when we know what’s going on, we can do something about it.

1. You’re Always Tired/ Fatigue

Yeah, I know, I know. We’re all busy. We’ve got jobs, families, and lives to live. But when you’re feeling excruciatingly tired all the time, even after a good night’s sleep, it might be a sign that your spiritual energy is low.

Pause and give it some thought. When linking to something greater than yourself, you’re touching into a limitless energy source. But when that connection is weak, you’re left feeling drained.

2. You’re Gaining Weight



Yana Thompson

I write spiritual experiences, and holistic self-help materials. Remember it takes less energy to be positive than negative and it takes more time to be Petty t