Hiding clothes consumerism behind the fashion

Yana Veretilnyk
2 min readJan 12, 2024

Today’s fashion, Instagram and Tik-Tok influencers are pushing people to buy more and more. The flow of fashion is changing in the blink of an eye. Just have managed to buy new seasonal clothes now you should change them one more time. And this process is unstoppable. Fashion trends are changing every day and your wardrobe can’t breathe with all these clothes. Yes, we live in the era of consumerism. We consume so much goods and services, we change the decorum of our apartment every season, and we buy plastic things to decorate our apartment.

The great description of clothes consumerism was in the book “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley.

“But old clothes are beastly,” continued the untiring whisper. “We always throw away old clothes. Ending is better than mending, ending is better than mending, ending is better .”

We can draw an analogy with nowadays consumption. Mass media, fashion events, and bloggers are pushing people to want more and buy more. And all these clothes are hanging and laying the wardrobes “waiting” till the best times come. People should have 20 bags, 10 jeans, 23 sweaters, and 15 T-shirts to feel more fashionable and to feel comfortable in their minds and thoughts that they are fashionable and have what to wear. Then later all these clothes will be thrown away and will be changed by other fashion trends.

Very often people don’t need so many clothes they buy them rather impulsively because the price is with sales or just they are bored and need to spend time somewhere. Another side of fashion trends is that many people don’t like this or that type of trend but the stylists insist on wearing a specific type of clothing.

I think clothing is about showing your inner world sometimes. One should wear only the clothes he likes and feel comfortable wearing a specific type of clothes. We all have different rhythms of life, our inner feelings and emotions can differ sometimes and it’s nonsense to propose for people to wear fashionable trends as a blueprint. What we can do is to think before buying something. Do I need this or that T-shirt? Will I wear it many times or just a couple of days? Our space, our apartments and our homes are full of fashionable clothes and things which shortly will be thrown away and will be changed by something new and more fashionable. And the chain of events will repeat.

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Yana Veretilnyk

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