How I Increased My Success in Life

I changed my life in one simple but powerful way. My success rate has become much higher because of the mental shift I made.

Yana Voynique
3 min readJun 22, 2022
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Little changes can create big results. Sometimes all you have to do is tweak your way of thinking a little bit and your life can change.

I have experienced this recently in my life. It all happened when I stopped thinking like a loser and started thinking like an achiever. I did so by redefining what success and failure meant to me.

The two are interconnected and you can’t get one without the other.

I Stopped Fearing Failure

Fear has helped me accomplish nothing.

No success ever came from doubt and dread. “It’s better not to try at all than to try and fail,” I thought. I was so very wrong about this. It was a delusion created by my anxious consciousness.

What a putty!

All the opportunities I’ve missed out on over the years because of this faulty way of thinking.

If I tried and failed 80% of the time, that’s 20 % success. If didn’t try at all, that’s 0% success.

