Sociology — The Root of Our Society

Yanchi Liu
7 min readDec 10, 2019


Throughout thousands of years of human history, we have built the modern-day civilization from mere stone, fire, and manpower. Sociology is a science that studies the laws and norms in the common society, which are characterized by the development and operation of a social system defined in history. Sociology is also the science of the impact mechanisms, the forms in the expression of the law with the activities of an individual, of social groups, classes and ethnic groups. In the early years of the nineteenth century, society at that time did not exist as an independent science, it was dissolved with other sciences such as ethnography, anthropology, psychology, physics, and especially philosophy. But by the second half of the nineteenth century sociology had become an independent science and had a completely separate object — function — method.

In the past, sociological research focused on the organization of industrial societies, its complexity and its influence on individuals and “ occupy himself with matters that others regard as too sacred or as too distasteful for dispassionate investigation” (Berger_. Today, sociologists study a wide range of topics. For example, some sociologists study the macro structures that organize society, such as race or ethnicity, social class, gender roles, and institutions such as the family (Berger). In addition, “his main focus of attention is not the ultimate significance of what men do, but the action in itself, as another example of the infinite richness of human conduct” (Berger). Sociology is a study of social science, the study of social relations; it was born due to the requirements of social mobilization itself, especially in the context of social changes. As the science of human studies, human behavior and relationships in groups, social organizations, the introduction of sociology to our daily life fulfills social awareness needs, practical operational needs and social development needs.

Man is a social entity, he exists and thrives in society, and in the course of history, people have always wanted to understand the nature of human relationships in social life. Therefore, society is created by social relations. It is the relationship between people and people, formed during practical activities. In resolving the problems of social life, social reform, people must be aware of society, understand society and have rich knowledge about a diverse society. Sociology must recognize and research society, in order to have ways to transform them, in order to serve people. The fascination of sociology “lies in the fact that its perspective makes us see in a new light the very world in which we have lived all our lives. This also constitutes a transformation of consciousness” (Berger). When recognizing a particular society, it must be based on historical views, specific and based on cultural criteria, population, ethnicity, and guidelines and policies of a particular country.

At the same time, it is necessary to honestly reflect the complex and diverse social situation and take into account the specific characteristics of each nation’s relationship, each specific ethnic group, in specific conditions and circumstances. In other words, the understanding of the nature of society under the lens of sociology has to be based on a careful reflection of the historical and cultural information. To this end, sociology can be thought of as a tool for socio-cognitive ecology. From this point of view, sociology is the science of understanding human beings as situated agents in a social world, and sociology is the analysis of social phenomena in terms of the specific social and cultural conditions and circumstances. From a social-cognitive perspective sociology can be seen as a tool for socio-cognition, the synthesis of knowledge and beliefs that people learn to understand their relationship with other people and institutions as a whole (Mills).

Sociology was born to meet the needs of practical activities. Sociology plays a very important role in improving reality. Practical function is shown in the application of sociological theories in real cognitive activities, in the correct and timely settlement of problems that arise in society to improve reality. Sociology incorporates an analysis of social phenomena to shed light on the prospects and development trends of society. Especially when studying social relations, sociology helps people put their social relationships under their own control and harmonize them to suit the requirements progress development. For example, “men and women now hope to grasp what is going on in the world, and to understand what is happening in themselves as minute points of the intersections of biography and history within society” (Mills).

The social prediction is based on a deep awareness of the laws and trends of society, which is a prerequisite for scientific planning and social management. This realization has led to the development of the social theory of society, which has proved to be a powerful tool for social policy analysis, a scientific method requires us to “consider the economic and political institutions of the society, and not merely the personal situation and character of a scatter of individuals” (Mills). This understanding of the social and the contextual relations of people as a means of interpretation, the notion of social context, as well as the use of knowledge to assess social and human needs, capacities, and potentials, have provided the basis to organize the study of social systems as an engineering and design problem.

Sociology was born to meet the development needs of the social movement itself, increasingly diverse and extremely complex. The development of sociology is closely linked to the development of society. The more society develops, the more it requires an understanding of sociology, because it equips new knowledge for the development of humanity, of human social life, along with its relationship. Along with other sciences, sociology has shown the ways, measures, ways of perfecting and developing aspects of social life in accordance with the laws of social mobilization. Social mobilization is the cornerstone of the state ideology, the idea that the state is the instrument of social emancipation and the guarantor of the progress of the entire social order. The need for social mobilization is reflected through Mills’ example that “war is inherent in the nation-state system and in the uneven industrialization of the world, the ordinary individual in her restricted milieu will be powerless” and “the family as an institution turns women into darling little slaves and men into their chief providers and unweaned dependents” (Mills). These theories have become the basis of the social policies of the state, the management of the economy, the treatment of the population and the management of the public administration.

The object of sociology is society — a macro phenomenon, which, regardless of its nature, and how conclusions about it may not matter very much to the general population. But the way and attitude to find the answers that sociology makes it worth applying to our lives. From the subjective point of view, in a multifaceted society, knowledge and conclusions about knowledge are not the only central focus that learners need to focus on when participating in the subjects. science. For example, according to the characteristics of the current labor market, many sociology students after graduation may not follow the field they have studied. However, the way those students have used to seek and learn that knowledge will certainly not be easily lost.

The way we learn our subjects is the way we do business in practice, regardless of the actual career that is different from the field of study. In an industry with a wide range of research such as sociology, it contributes to refining vision, skills and accumulating rich experience for students. From there they have the ability to penetrate many different career fields. Field experience, front-line surveys today help learners arrange work sequences more effectively tomorrow. The process of referencing and using learning materials for learners of the habit of respecting sources cited in the report documents. Who would have thought that the process of designing the questionnaire and interviewing in student days would increase the courage and experience in assessing the status quo of a residential area with a public relations practitioner or an administrative manager? And the knowledge of the relationships in the village or urban structure helps a reporter not miss the target group in the process of information exploitation?

Sociology is not necessarily an easy door to go into the specialized field. But those who have an open mind and an open-minded attitude may recognize this as a universal door to other sources of the world. In a society full of characters, information, facts, alertness and objectivity, sociological thinking will provide a useful tool for us to better understand this world, in endeavor to improve oneself and, if possible, contribute to the promotion of a humane society.

