YouTube Thumbnail Study #1: The power of the human element and clarity

2 min readMay 2, 2020


Before we begin, pick the thumbnail you think has the highest clickthrough-rate. Make a mental note of which thumbnail you picked.

I recently did an experiment on the clickthrough-rate of different iPhone SE thumbnails with some surprising results, and thought that it’d be interesting to share. The respondents were shown 3 thumbnails and asked:

Which video would you watch?

I ran the same survey twice:

I’ve tried to summarise my key takeaways:

  1. The human element is extremely powerful. Thumbnails with a human element whether that be a face or hand outperformed those without
  2. Clarity is extremely powerful. The two top performing thumbnails had “iPhone SE” or “SE” within the thumbnail. While it may be tempting to go for a “minimal” aesthetic, you run the risk of lower CTR.
  3. When comparing thumbnails 3 and 5, the key difference seems to be that 5 has a knife held against the phone. As expected, being attention-grabbing in your thumbnail pays off. However, this needs to be carefully managed as you don’t want to produce clickbait thumbnails that end up damaging your AVD.

What takeaways did I miss?

Was your initial thumbnail choice correct?

I’m hoping to do more of these thumbnail studies, let me know what I should look into next!

Thumblytics is a service to help YouTubers test thumbnails BEFORE publishing. To learn more about why testing BEFORE you publish is extremely powerful click here.

We have recently reduced the price of our basic plan from $9 to $5 in the hopes of opening up our service to more creators. This means you get your thumbnails shown to 50 respondents for $5.

