Useful Maven Plugins for Every Java Projects

5 min readJul 18, 2024


The following Maven plugins may help you to create a consistent dev environment and CICD pipeline across teams.

  • Maven compiler Plugin
  • Lombok Maven Plugin
  • Maven Resources Plugin
  • Maven Enforcer Plugin
  • Maven Assembly Plugin
  • Git Commit Id Maven Plugin
  • Spring Boot Maven Plugin
  • Maven Surefire Plugin
  • Maven Failsafe Plugin

Gradle is more powerful and flexible, provides more features. But it is a little difficult to understand and may be too flexible if not well-controlled (imperative vs. declarative).

If mostly you work with small Microservices modules, Maven features may cover all you need out-of-box.

Common Properties

<project.reporting.outputEncoding>UTF-8</project.reporting.outputEncoding> <java.release.version>21</java.release.version>

<java.compatible.versions>[21, 23)</java.compatible.versions>
<maven.compatible.versions>[3.6.3, 4.0.0)</maven.compatible.versions>


Maven Compiler Plugin with Lombok


Lombok Maven Plugin

If need to transfer Lombok annotations to regular Java code.


Maven Resource Plugin

To create a Uber Jar


To create a library as dependency


Maven Enforcer Plugin

Enforce dev environment across teams.

<message>spring-boot.version should be defined!</message>
<regexMessage>The spring-boot.version must contain at least one digit.</regexMessage>
<!-- will only display a warning but does not fail the build. -->
<message>Please consider using the maven-invoker-plugin (!</message>


config.stopBubbling = true

# Copy the Qualifier annotation from the instance variables to the constructor
# see
lombok.copyableAnnotations += org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier
lombok.copyableAnnotations += org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value

Lombok's access to jdk.compiler's internal packages


Maven Assembly Plugin



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assembly xmlns=""

Git Commit Id Maven Plugin

Create git info to be used in Spring Boot Actuator info page.


Spring Boot Maven Plugin


Spotless Maven Plugin

Same set of code formats across teams.

<!-- optional: limit format enforcement to just the files changed by this feature branch
<ratchetFrom>origin/main</ratchetFrom> -->
<!-- you can define as many formats as you want, each is independent -->
<!-- define the files to apply to -->

<!-- define the steps to apply to those files -->

<!-- specify replacements using search and replace -->
<name>Say Hello to Mars</name>

<!-- specify replacements using regex match and replace -->
<name>Say Hello to Mars from Regex</name>
<searchRegex>(Hello) W[a-z]{3}d</searchRegex>
<replacement>$1 Mars</replacement>
<!-- define a language-specific format -->
<!-- These are the defaults, you can override if you want -->
<!-- The encoding of the pom files -->
<!-- line separator to use -->
<!-- Should empty elements be expanded-->
<!-- Should a space be added inside self-closing elements-->
<!-- Keep empty lines -->
<!-- Indentation -->
<!-- Should empty lines be indented -->
<!-- Should schema locations be indended -->
<!-- Sort order of elements:>
<!-- Custom sort order of elements: -->
<!-- Sort dependencies:>
<!-- Sort dependency exclusions:>
<!-- Sort plugins: -->
<!-- Sort properties -->
<!-- Sort modules -->
<!-- Sort plugin executions -->

<!-- These are the defaults, you can override if you want -->

<!-- apply a specific flavor of google-java-format and reflow long strings -->

<!-- or a custom ordering -->
<!-- Optional, default false. Sort wildcard import after specific imports -->
<!-- or use <file>${project.basedir}/eclipse.importorder</file> -->
<!-- you can use an empty string for all the imports you didn't specify explicitly,
'|' to join group without blank line, and '\#` prefix for static imports. -->

<!-- self-explanatory -->

<!-- fixes formatting of type annotations, see below -->

<!-- make sure every file has the following copyright header.
optionally, Spotless can set copyright years by digging
through git history (see "license" section below) -->
<content>/* (C)$YEAR */</content>
<!-- or <file>${project.basedir}/license-header</file> -->

<!-- You have to set the target manually -->

<!-- optional: Customize the set of features (based on com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature) -->
<!-- true by default -->
<!-- false by default -->

<!-- You have to set the target manually -->


<!-- optional


Maven Surefire Plugin/Maven Failsafe Plugin

Unit tests and Integration Tests

<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
<!-- Depends on which server you may use, such as Jetty or Tomcat,
configure this plugin by following this:

