A Proposal for a Global Renaissance — Part II

~ An Open Invitation for Planetary Experimentation & Co~creation — Happening NOW! ~

Yan Golding
11 min readJan 31, 2017

Read Part I here

Light Work by Autumn Skye Morrison

Infinite co-creators, it is time to leave our differences behind and form a web so strong that it becomes impenetrable by those who would like to keep humanity asleep for their own entertainment… let us march steadily onwards as a unified community of blissful creators — with humility, confidence and love ever present in our hearts — so that we may continue to accelerate the transformation of this planet into its purest form. Together we CAN do this.
~ Bentinho Massaro

A Global Resonance Movement

This is unprecedented. We are now witnessing the beginnings of a global movement of people, communities, organisations and networks from around the world who are all coming together with the shared intention to co~create a fundamentally new human civilization that works for everyone.

The current global crescendo of systemic failures, social and ecological crises, pervasive corruption and mainstream disillusionment combined with the massive (albeit invisible to the masses) awakening in human consciousness are all signalling that the time for Global Unified Action is NOW.

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!” has been echoing throughout the movement for long enough. And NOW is the time for us to leave the waiting behind and move into coordinated unified action. Currently we are gathering online here (and there’s more information on how to get involved further down). The Great Unification, as prophesied in many Indigenous Cultures, is upon us.

On January 20th, 2017 (synchronistically, yet unintentionally the same day that Trump was inaugurated) we released the video “Calling All Pioneers of the New Paradigm!” As you read this, it is echoing throughout the Internet (already translated into Spanish and French), across all sectors of the Global Transformation Movement, igniting the imaginations of thousands of people who have been poised or longing for this Call. You can read the wave inspiring responses and clear resonance here on facebook. And this is just the beginning…

A movement like no other

Unlike previous mass movements this movement is not concerned with protest or fighting the old structures and systems. This movement is converging on the understanding of Buckminster Fuller’s undying advice that “you never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” This movement is arising through the recognition that we already have the new models, and that the primary reason they remain unknown to the wider population is because the mass media monopolies clearly have little to no interest in publicising inspiring and empowering news. Consequently, within the global transformation movement we can see how this strategic suppression of vital information is also keeping 99% of all regenerative and innovative communities, organisations and projects struggling ad nauseum for public exposure and financial support. Therefore, this movement is dedicated to catalyzing a (critical) mass-scale unification and collaboration on the basis of practical inspiration as a means for attracting worldwide attention to all the pioneering people and projects who are ushering in an abundance of tried and tested new models, solutions, strategies, tools and technologies. (See also the United Earth Solutions-Awareness Toolkit) This budding movement aspires to inspire an unprecedented mass embodiment of the whole-systems invitation that “to change everything, it takes everyone”.

Transcending and including previous mass movements

This movement also aspires to integrate the many lessons from the Arab Spring, The Occupy Movement, 15-M Movement, The Icelandic Revolution and other mass movements to help bring clarity, coherence and alignment of direction. Based on these past experiences we are now building this movement with an unprecedented level of whole-systems awareness and transdisciplinary collaboration. We are consciously inviting in the full extent of our collective wisdom and intelligence while integrating evolutionary social innovations & architectures, new paradigm synergistic technologies, massive trust-based global networks and a host of skills, tools and methodologies for us to skillfully navigate this historic collective Rite of Passage with ease and grace.

What does whole-systems and evolutionary social architecture look like?

See this image below explained by the Synergy Hub’s Seed Fractal Co~creation team of Malek Jaber (Teal for Startups / FLOW), Mona Rabie (The School of Social Alchemy, The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation, and Emergence), Nicolas Luck (Noomap / H4OME / Synergy Space)and Andrea Harding (Noomap Metta Architecture / Synergy Hub). In Part III we will dive deeper into the emerging architectures that will enable us to build coherence at the planetary scale so we can all effectively mobilize and move as one.

Image by Malek Jaber

Home is where the Heart is

For all the solutions, evolutionary systems, transition strategies and new models, the true driving force of this movement is Love. Love is the One Heart where we are already united. It is our love for our children, our love for our family & friends, our love for Nature, our love for Life, our love for Creation. Love is the Force that is guiding all human expressions of Wisdom and Goodwill into manifestation.

From I to We

In Part III of this series we will also explore in more detail what are some of the major challenges we might face when we unite with so many people from such different backgrounds, cultures and belief systems. The foremost challenge that needs to be named and recognised from the start is the ego. Ironically, the ego also unites us since we all carry one (albeit to varying degrees of self-awareness) yet it’s primary function seems to be fabricating the infinite illusions of separation!

For us to build a coherent mass movement that appeals to all life-affirming people we are called to co~create and share a supreme space of love and compassion. Gathering together such a vast and diverse range of people and groups inherently implies that we will be confronted with a multitude of conflicting opinions. Furthermore, within this space there will come many individuals and groups who already hold prejudiced or negative or even acrimonious views towards each other. This is inevitable.

Initially some groups may avoid joining the movement because they don’t want to be affiliated with other groups already in the movement. One crucial feature to creating a vessel for global unity is for all people and groups to feel at home, equally important and at the same time to not feel forced in any way to actually work together.

Therefore it is vital to first establish the reason why we are coming together. It is the intention that precedes all action. It is our shared intention to co~create a more beautiful world - that is the foundation of our unity. By recognising this simple intention as our universal connector, we can more easily allow for the diversity of opinions, ideologies and methodologies to co­exist with equal validity.

Opinion is a supposition elevated to the status of a conclusion held to be right but not substantiated by positive proof — rational or evidential. Because disagreement means difference of opinion, disagreement often escalates into a dispute as to whose opinion is right. When the dispute is not resolved through the logic of argument, the illogic of might tends to enter the realm of right , sometimes resulting in violent conflict.

Alignment does not require agreement as a necessary condition. Alignment as congruence of intention is congruence of resolution for the attainment of a particular aim. An aim being in and of the future, unknown or unpredicted variables inevitably enter the generative equations for its achievement. Inherent in alignment, therefore, is the spirit of quest.
~­ Excerpt from Alignment Beyond Agreement by Yasuhiko Genku Kimura

By focussing on our shared intention of where we are going rather than needing to agree on how we get there, we can allow the how to naturally emerge through our collective intelligence when the vast variety of ways and means are made visible for everyone to see. Then we can locally and participatorily decide which how resonates most within our community.

Ultimately, this vessel calls for our collective wisdom, emotional intelligence and compassion to lead the way through those people and groups who are willing and able to put their differences aside for the good of the whole.

There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds
will put aside their differences. They will come together in love,
joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children.
~ From The Whirling Rainbow– A Navajo-Hopi Prophecy

A Word on “Unity”

For many people the word “unity” invokes a feeling or vision of togetherness, solidarity, collaboration and harnessing the power of our collective alignment. “El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!” (The people united, will never be defeated) was the powerful battle cry of the Bolivian people who, through their unified action, prevented Bechtel from privatizing their water supply.

At the same time, for others the word “unity” conjures images of uniformity or homogenization and dictatorial regimes that have used the concept of unity as a means for mass control and subordination. Therefore, when talking about Global Unity or Unified Action, it is vital to understand that the founding intention and commitment of this movement is to respect and uphold the autonomy, sovereignty, diversity and unique gifts of all the people and groups who are being, living and making the change we want to see in the world. In this light, unity is simply about recognising the Global Values, intentions and aspirations that we already share — and collectively exploring how we can work together and unleash the power of the people to co~create a progressive planetary transition into a world that truly reflects and embodies our shared sentiments.

A Word on “Diversity”

Even within the mainstream we are witnessing a growing appreciation for diversity (despite the daily news’ campaign to convince us of the opposite). Be it cultural, vocational, sexual or ecological, diversity is what enriches every aspect of the human experience. Diversity is what makes an ecosystem resilient to disease or disaster. Today we have a vast diversity of organisations working for a brighter future. In the environmental sector alone there are tens of thousands of groups from the Sea Shepherd to the Society for Ecological Restoration and from guerrilla gardeners to Greenpeace who are all working to protect our dying planet from our ecocidal culture of heedless waste and consumerism.

The beauty in this diversity is that we have developed awareness campaigns and solutions for pretty much every environmental problem we face. The downfall of this diversity is that, within a paradigm and system of scarcity and competition, all these organisations, that essentially all share identical aspirations, end up competing against each other for (relative) scraps of funding and public exposure. When we look at it from this perspective we can understand how, through our diversity, we are actually diluting and undermining our collective power to effect real change.

Imagine for a moment, if all the world’s Indigenous tribes would team up with all nature-loving activists, earthworkers, authors, speakers, celebrities, philanthropists, communities, organisations and networks to co~create a unified global campaign called (for example) “For the Love of Nature”. And everyone agreed to offer a fraction of their time, energy, intelligence and resources (including their networks) to this international awareness-raising campaign that exposes 1,001 solutions, strategies and technologies that experientially demonstrate how we can completely eradicate all environmentally destructive behaviour on the planet and create a veritable a veritable Garden of Eden with clean air, pristine rivers and abundant food for everyone — all within one generation.
Sounds unrealistic?
When we unite as a people this kind of scenario would just be the beginning.

Fifth Sacred Thing by Jessica Perlstein

Daring to dream the I’m possible dream

From a facebook post:

Imagine that by some miraculous Force of Nature humankind came into alignment around a shared intention for a whole-systems planetary transition — that is globally supported and locally self-determined — to co~create a More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.

Imagine that all governmental, economic and financial institutions and corporations were left no choice but to bow to the will of The People, providing full support with services and all available resources.

Imagine thousands of transparently funded local transition councils that popped up all over the world and offered new social architectures, and the optimal resources that supported the local people to collaborate effectively with local NGOs, governments, businesses and schools to elegantly transition into social and ecological regeneration.

For an overview of what our planetary transition might look like from an ecological perspective check out the post and please share it with anyone you might think might be interested.

(And, by the way, the Miraculous Force of Nature is Humankind, united)

A Virtual Meeting Ground for Global Unity

The “Calling Out” video is calling for a powerful critical mass activation and we are now inviting swift and strategic follow-up to keep building the momentum towards becoming a unified global movement that speaks to the hearts and minds of all peace-loving human beings. It is time for this to happen.

It is time.

For now we are using the United Earth facebook group as a virtual gathering space. And we are upgrading the United Earth (protoype) website to serve as it was originally intended: “an open, inclusive and solutions-oriented global platform for all people and groups wishing to unite and collaborate towards a whole-systems transformation of human society”.

There are many ways that our Human Family are expressing their longing for a just, unified, and peaceful world. This is one of those emerging global movements that I always pray for and support!
~ Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. (speaking about United Earth)

United Earth is not a registered organisation and it is not intended to become an ”umbrella” organisation of organisations. It is intended to provide and hold space for a unified and coherent global movement to emerge. If another platform, or synergistic combination of platforms, with the same intention proves to be more suitable then we can collectively decide (by using decision-making tools like Loomio) to move our database to another platform. My friend and co~creator, Mona Rabie, predicts that the global movement will be called “Together” in every language. Whatever the name, it’s the intention that brings us together and if we are true to this intention we will not allow any names, labels, platforms, ideologies or solidified belief systems get in the way of realising our collective dream.

Open Positions for Support and Immediate Tasklist

  • Co~creator (volunteer) Coordinators
  • Project Coordinators
  • Social Media & Communications
  • Administrators
  • Translators!!
  • Web-developers / designers for the new United Earth website
  • Programmer(s) to create Global Unity Counter
  • Videomakers to help produce the next video

By walking the path we make it visible for others.
~ Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.

Here‘s a small constellation of other inspiring websites and platforms that are promoting Unity, Oneness, Global Collaboration and / or Whole-systems Change:

Coming Soon!

Part III — Critical Mass Alignment Experimentations, An Accelerated Timeline for Inclusive Planetary Activation, A Blueprint for a Harmonious Civilization, and Anticipating the Challenges.

Part IV — Moving through each sector to explore the various strategies for transition. This will be co-created through a facebook posting on each sector.
(First example here)

