United Earth ‘Inspire the World’ Initiatives

~A strategic design proposal for co~creating a global solutions publicity campaign

Yan Golding
11 min readMar 20, 2017

This proposal is an open invitation for us to co~create beyond organisational names and boundaries. Let’s make ‘Inspire the World’ Initiatives a global co~creation between hundreds of inspiring groups from all sectors and cultures!

The invitation, intention and vision for ‘Inspire the World’:

To co~create the world’s most inspiring and inclusive positive news and solutions-awareness campaign!

Why should we Inspire the World?

In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called.
~ R. Buckminster Fuller (1917–1983)

Today we have a veritable abundance of new models for all areas of social and ecological regeneration. There are now literally hundreds of evolutionary organisations and communities converging around the common understanding that we already have everything we need to thrive. And since the corporate media isn’t showing any signs of informing the masses of this vital and empowering information, it’s up to those of us who know how another world is possible to devise ways to effectively share the good news.

This is how we do it!

In co~creation with positive news & independent media outlets, solutionary hubs, new paradigm education groups, global unity platforms and more, we will form a diverse and inspiring global network of thousands of groups, evolutionary leaders and progressive public figures, that will rise above the separatist noise of mass media to highlight the abundant wealth of ecological solutions, social & technological tools & innovations, alternative governance, economic and financial systems, indigenous knowledge & wisdom, personal development practices, natural & complementary healing methods and more.

United Earth is now inviting co~creators, partners, supporters and philanthropists to co-pioneer the Inspire the World Initiatives. Together, we are already forming a global network and campaign of solutions-oriented cultural re-education that will inspire a planetary wave of hope, mutual-learning and collaborative engagement for the co-creation of a better world and future.

Sign up here as to join the Inspire the World Initiatives!

Guiding Principles and Elements for ‘Inspire the World’

This proposal offers a foundational and experimental design strategy based on the following principles:

  • To create a thriving human society requires widespread public understanding of the fact that we already have everything we need to make it so.
  • To facilitate widespread understanding of this fact we cannot rely on the mainstream media. To attract mainstream attention to all the solutions and new models, we need to create a people-powered global publicity & education campaign
  • Solutions-based knowledge and information empowers and inspires people.
  • When people feel inspired they become internally motivated to participate and / or learn more.
  • Inspiring public figures can play a vital role in attracting mainstream attention.
  • The spark that ignites this global movement begins with us, the pioneering communities, leading the path of global cooperation by example.

By walking the path we make it visible for others.
~ Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.

The Design Strategy Proposal

(all elements have already been initiated)

1. Building teams and coherence

  • Gather the synergistic organizations that are promoting global unity & cooperation, whole-systems solutions, positive & conscious media, socially and ecologically regenerative education etc. to co-pioneer the Inspire the World Initiatives (here & now)
  • Have a simple vision / intention that we can all align around (stated above)
  • Allow for each organisation to choose their level and field of participation (see below)
  • Get creative! Inspire, promote and pioneer creative artworks, memes, videos, events etc. that contribute to our shared mission to ‘Inspire the World’.
  • Use swarming principles to grow, flow and facilitate the movement into self-organisation.

Sign up here as to join the Inspire the World Initiatives!

2. Mapping the potential co-pioneers

We have already begun co~creating a list of lists starting with groups that are most likely to partner with or co~create the Inspire the World Initiatives (link to fb-group).

The first wave of groups include:

  1. Independent, Conscious & Positive Media Outlets [link to example mapping](newspaper, magazine, e-zine, website, networks etc.) ~ All the positive news broadcasters around the planet to form and grow the media vehicle for this unprecedented global campaign. And where do you go to find news that isn’t tainted by corporate or political interests?
    Examples: Collective Evolution, Positive News, New Story Hub, Yes! Magazine, The Optimist, Permaculture Magazine, Uplift Connect, Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine, Educate Inspire Change, Orion Magazine etc.
  2. Solutions, Resource & Organisations Directories (websites) ~ There are many websites that have been gathering solutions and innovations in all fields of regeneration, emerging technologies and conscious evolution.
    Examples: Appropedia, One Community Global, Great Transition Stories, Sustainable Human, Good of the Whole, Lowimpact.org, The Idealist etc.
  3. Maps and Mapping Directories (websites) ~ Imagine google maps with all the most inspiring and educational projects and events on the entire planet, where you can filter any topic at any proximity. It’s happening. Examples: Transformaps, Shareable, Le Mouvement Colibris, Rede Convergir etc.
  4. Ecological Regeneration Education Groups (virtual and physical) ~ all the learning centres and online courses related restoring and rebalancing our biosphere from The Schumacher College to Gaia Education, from Ecosystem Restoration Camps to Permaculture Research Institutes, and from TIBA- Intuitive Technology and Bio-Architecture to the Centre for Alternative Technology.
  5. Social Regeneration and Cultural Re-education Groups (virtual and physical) ~ from Story of Stuff to Awakening the Dreamer, from Non-Violent Communication to Guardian Alliance, from Compassion Games to Camp Hill, from Popular Education to Next Culture Trainings, and from Bridgedale 360 to Dream Academia, all mapped and showcased through an emerging global network of virtual and physical learning & healing centres and courses.
  6. Alternative & New Paradigm Education Groups (virtual and physical)~ from unschooling to Sudbury Valley School, from Knowmads to Emerson College, and from Lucid University to Ubiquity University. How are we disrupting the current system and re-designing the conditions of our intentional learning experience? And which are the first schools to help pioneer this initiative?
  7. Youth for Change Groups (virtual and physical) ~ Giving rise to the voices, vibrance and fresh perspectives of the younger generations. Let’s support our youth to connect with projects that can help them unleash their full potential and discover their vital role in the Global Renaissance.
    Examples: Earth Guardians, The International Youth Initiative Program, International Children’s Month, Next GEN, Un Monde Réenchanté etc.
  8. Collaboration Methodologies and Communities (virtual and physical) ~ What are the leading-edge tools and methodologies that facilitate effective collaboration and co~creation in ways that are agile and scalable?
    Examples: Dragon Dreaming, Sociocracy & 3.0, Art of Hosting, Swarmwise, Holycracy, Living Co~creation, Dynamic Facilitation, FLOW, Circle Way etc.
  9. Global Unity & Collaboration Groups (websites) ~ So we can all walk our talk and lead the way to global unity and collaboration by example.
    Examples: We, the World, Global Purpose Movement, Unify, The Four Worlds International Institute, The Source Network, The Fuji Declaration, Awakening Sovereignty Collective, Freeworlder, Creating the New World etc.
  10. Wisdom-based and Evolutionary Co-leadership Groups & Councils (physical and virtual) ~Bringing new perspectives of leadership and practicing power with instead of power over.
    Examples: Core Leadership Development, EARTHWise centre, Enlightened Leadership International etc.
  11. Peacebuilding & Spiritual Activism Groups (physical and virtual) ~ Bringing together the groups that complement being the change with making the change to co~create actions that reflect our unity-consciousness. If there existed a push-button-world-peace formula, would you press it?
    Examples: Metta Centre for Nonviolence, The Peace Alliance, Sarvodaya, United Religions Initiative, World Peace Disclosure, Emissaries of Divine Light, One Spirit Alliance, The Institute for Global Peace Work, Building Bridges for Peace, Sisters of Mercy etc.
  12. Food & Water Security Groups (virtual and physical) ~ Let’s address our most urgent and solvable crises first. Thousands of people, mostly children, are starving to death every day unnecessarily. This is how we launch IW’s first campaign: Food and Water for All
    Examples: The Hunger Project, The Borgen Project, Action Against Hunger, Community Food Rescue, One Drop etc.

We also intend to revive and integrate the legendary global directory Wiser.org that emerged from Paul Hawken’s international best-seller Blessed Unrest.

A solutions tip-of-the-iceberg from Paul Hawken’s Project DrawDown

3. Launch the first ‘Inspire the World’ Initiative: The “Food and Water for All” campaign

20 million people in Africa are facing starvation over the coming months. The UN is calling this the worst humanitarian crisis since the World War II. Several groups are already initiating the collaborative Food & Water for All (link to fb-group) campaign.

The missions for FW4A are:

  • To support immediate solutions by mapping, tracking and showcasing those (grassroots) projects and organizations with the most effective strategies and practical actions to prevent famine and starvation.
  • To openly promote and facilitate cooperation and collaboration among these groups.
  • To facilitate an open dialogue exploring the immediate solutions.
  • To promote the vast possibilities, solutions and innovations for ensuring sustainable food and water security and sovereignty at the local level and in all climatic conditions.

Nobody has to starve on our earth, if we use its richness wisely. Food, water and energy are freely available for all of humanity if we develop appropriate structures.
~ Dieter Duhm (Author, Co-founder Tamera Biotope 1)

“convince” or “inspire” ?

4. Invite high profile ambassadors for Inspire the World Initiatives — Clustering and snowballing spheres of influence

From a systems and movement-building perspective, to attract the attention of the masses into a new idea, it makes sense to first attract those people and groups who already have their attention. Popular “conscious” leaders and celebrities like Bernie Sanders, Oprah Winfrey, The Dalai Lama, Leonardo di Caprio, Vandana Shiva, Jose Mujica, Naomi Klein, Nahko Bear etc. and groups like Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, Amnesty International, The Sea Shepherd, The Transition Town Network, Unify, The Global Ecovillage Network etc. have already acquired extensive networks that are based on trust and respect.

Thus, similar to the innovators in the Innovation Adoption Curve above, public figures and international organisations are like magnetic attractors who have the capacity to inspire the masses into a movement. Through Inspire the World Initiatives we are offering such people and groups a unique opportunity to channel their individual spheres of influence into a common global cause for humanity’s upliftment. And to leverage their collective influence all that we are inviting is their endorsement.

Imagine all the people and groups mentioned above- and hundreds more- all endorsing ‘Inspire the World’ Initiatives!

What if we could leverage their collective influence?

As a unifying collective of respected and innovative grassroots organisations, with substantial trust-networks ourselves, we can attract and inspire the first round of public figures to endorse and / or support this initiative.

Some of us, like We, the World, Unify and others are closely connected to numerous high profile leaders and groups like The Huffington Post, The Transition Town Network, The Tesla Science Foundation, The Global Ecovillage Network etc. Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. is among those who has already expressed support!

The whole-systems, inclusive, solutions-oriented and heart-centred nature of Inspire the World means that together, we can create a global campaign that will inspire all synergistic change-agents into participation!

5. Attract funding for the Inspire the World Initiatives- Igniting Abundance for All

You don’t have to be a genius to recognise that this initiative has all the main ingredients to completely transform human society as we know it.

We could go through grants, crowdfunding and other fundraising ventures, but these are usually highly time and energy consuming — and time is a luxury humanity can no longer afford! Just like inviting public figures is a way of tapping into the influence and attention that is already there, similarly we are choosing to first approach the numerous millionaire and billionaire philanthropists and foundations who are already looking to invest in whole-systems and inclusive projects for positive and lasting change.

On the strength of our widespread support by over 100 respected organisation leaders and the whole-systems and heart-centred nature of this initiative, we trust that we can inspire confidence for any genuine new paradigm investor. Thus, we are offering a unique opportunity to kickstart a series of global unified actions to any visionary philanthropist who can recognise a world-transforming idea when they see one.

The fundraising pitch below is to help bring together several teams to coordinate the campaigns which includes administration, communications, media, finances etc. Positions for multidimensional facilitation are still open and resonant project leaders are sought to co~create.

It is our shared intention to help establish a Planetary Transition Motherfund, that will be transparently managed by Stewarding and Wisdom Councils, and that will progressively fund the full ecosystem of change-makers- starting with your projects that are aligned with our shared vision- and ultimately connect with larger sources to fund the entire Global Renaissance.

The question is: Who will be the first visionary philanthropist to recognise this historic opportunity to help kick off the Global Renaissance by inspiring all of humanity into a New Story?

Different levels of participation in the Inspire the World Initiatives

As a global and inclusive initiative we are suggesting multiple levels of participation according to resonance and time / will to engage.

One of the core intentions of this campaign is to make the global movement of solutions and positive change VISIBLE TO THE WORLD. To showcase your group or project as part the movement to Inspire the World all you need to do is sign up as a Community Member. This simple, once-off action is simultaneously the easiest and one of the most effective ways to participate.

Levels of Participation:

Community Member ~ You support the initiative, but don’t feel to get further involved. All good!
Partner ~ Your group can choose to participate in campaigns as consultants, networkers, promoters etc. You can add your logo to any of the campaigns you choose.
Co~creator ~ Member(s) from your group are on the initiatives and / or campaign co~creation teams. Your group is co~animating the heart of Inspire the World Initiatives with unlimited creative expression.
Ambassador ~ You are a public figure and wish to lend your influence and creativity to the cause, inspiring many more to do so.
Investor / Sponsor ~ You wish to share your prosperity or non-financial resources such as space, land etc. We welcome your co~creation with this unprecedented global initiative.

For all levels of participation groups you are invited to add your logos and the details of your projects so it can be added to an open-sourced Global Database for all people, projects, solutions and innovations related to social and ecological regeneration.

Sign up here as to join the Inspire the World Initiatives!

We look forward to playing with you!

Yan and the UE co~creative community


May All the Beings in All the Worlds Be Happy!

… sooner than most people dare to imagine ;)

