Why Should You Write a 500 Word Article?

3 min readSep 6, 2021

You might be thinking why 500 words are the go-to length for many writers. Well, the answer is, the Google Panda algorithm was introduced in 2011 and the primary objective of this algorithm is to diminish the duplicate and lengthy content. That’s why 500 words articles are so crucial in today’s advanced technology. In this guide, we will walk you through the top reasons that will make you understand the importance of 500 words articles. Let’s check out.

Reason 1: Maintain Readers’ Interest till the end

Let’s admit it, the biggest challenge faced by the writers is to maintain readers’ interest till the end of the story. Preparing good content needs a lot of effort as well as time-consuming. So, every writer wants more clicks to their content. Studies show that visitors generally take interest in 500 words articles rather than 1000, 1500 words content. Lots of successful website content writing services in India have added 500 words articles to their content writing list.

Reason 2: It Highlights the Crucial Points

500 words articles follow a principle where everything is there for a reason. It means you have to include only the important aspects related to the topic and nothing extra. Doing so, will bring more leads and help Goggle increase your website’s search engine ranking. Research shows that readers generally spend 3–4 seconds on an article and if they think your content is lengthy and useless, they will leave your website. On the other hand, 500 words articles come with to-the-point information and grab readers’ attention.

Reason 3: Easily Sharable

500 words articles don’t require much time to read and this is one of the most significant reasons visitors love to read 500 words articles. Apart from this, it’s very simple to share 500 words articles with other online readers. The more exposure your article receive, the more visitors you will get which will in the end increase your search engine ranking.

Women thinking about writing

Reason 4: Writers can Include their Small Ideas in the Content

Another big advantage of writing 500 words short articles. With shot content, you don’t have to include unnecessary sentences and paragraphs. You can analyze the topic and write an entire 500 words short article based on your inspiration.

Reason 5: Self- Editing will be more Focused

Once you are done with your short 500 words article and ready for editing, you will experience that you can more accurately edit your article compared to lengthy content. No matter how well you edit a 1000 words article, still, there’s something to edit and new ideas to implement. This can also happen with 500 words short articles. However, the 500 words articles have already been written in a tight approach, hence there’s very less possibility of this type of situation.


Remember that, articles under 500 words can work well and drive more traffic to your website. In today’s busy life, visitors don’t have much time to read content with 1000, 1500 word counts and they always search for short articles that can resolve their all queries. We hope, now you can understand the importance of 500 words short articles. So, try to implement this approach to get better customer engagement.




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