The Software Development Courtship

Yanir Cohen
2 min readApr 12, 2024


At first, there’s the meet-cute — a developer has a brilliant idea for a new feature. They share their idea with the product manager, who plays matchmaker by writing up the requirements for this shiny new functionality. This is the honeymoon phase where everything looks rosy and perfect.

But like any relationship, it takes work to make it last. The developer starts coding, putting in long hours to bring their vision to life. There are ups and downs, moments of passion and frustration. They mercilessly refactor, optimize, and test their code, shaping it into something wonderful.

Then comes the hand-off to QA, the soon-to-be in-laws. This is where the reality check sets in. QA pokes and prods, finding all the edge cases and bugs the developer may have overlooked in their starry-eyed haze. There’s tension as defects are discovered and gnarly disagreements over what constitutes a “working as intended” feature.

The developer grumbles and fixes the issues, sometimes resentfully, other times graciously. More iterations, more back-and-forth. The product manager attempts to keep the peace, reminding everyone of the end goal — a high-quality feature the users will love.

Finally, after all the drama, the feature is ready for release. It’s like a wedding ceremony where the developer and QA make their vows — “I promise this code works!” The product manager officiates, giving their blessing to ship it out into the world.

And of course, no sooner has the celebration started than a grouchy uncle (aka a real-world customer) is complaining about some use case you didn’t think of. The cycle begins anew, with the maintenance relationship stretching ahead for years. Software is never done, after all — it simply goes through many engagements and renewals of vows.

So pour a glass of wine (or open a cold editor.exe), and remember — SDLC may be heavy on the comedy and light on the romance, but it’s all worth it for the happy ending a successful release brings.

