Understanding GitHub Flow and Git Flow

Yan Min Thwin
3 min readJul 23, 2023


When it comes to version control workflows, GitHub Flow and Git Flow are two popular methodologies that developers often consider. Both provide effective ways to manage collaboration, code reviews, and releases. This article will explore the main differences between GitHub Flow and Git Flow and discuss their respective advantages and use cases. Understanding these workflows can help you choose the most suitable approach for your development projects.

GitHub Flow

GitHub Flow is a lightweight and straightforward workflow designed to be easy to understand and implement. It revolves around the concept of branches and pull requests, making it ideal for teams working on continuous integration and frequent deployments.

GitHub Flow illustration from ‘https://blog.kinto-technologies.com/assets/blog/authors/r.wen/github-flow-diagram.png’

Key points to consider in GitHub Flow

  • Master Branch: The master branch is always deployable and represents the latest stable version of the code.
  • Feature Branches: Developers create feature branches for each new feature or bug fix whenever new changes are required. These branches are isolated from the master until they are ready for review.
  • Pull Requests: After completing work in a feature branch, developers open pull requests to initiate code review and discussion.
  • Continuous Deployment: Once a pull request is approved, changes are merged into the master branch and automatically deployed to production.

Importance of GitHub Flow

  • Simplicity: GitHub Flow is easy to learn and implement, making it suitable for small to medium-sized teams.
  • Faster Feedback: By using pull requests, developers receive feedback on their code before merging it into the main branch.
  • Continuous Integration: Frequent merging to the master branch ensures that the codebase is always up-to-date and ready for deployment.

Git Flow

Git Flow is a more complex branching model that provides a structured approach to managing large projects with scheduled releases. It introduces two long-lived branches — develop and master — along with several supporting branches.

Git flow illustration from ‘https://blog.kinto-technologies.com/assets/blog/authors/r.wen/git-flow-diagram.png’

Key points to consider in Git Flow

  • Develop Branch: The develop branch serves as the integration branch for features, containing code in progress.
  • Feature Branches: Developers create feature branches from the develop branch to work on new features or bug fixes.
  • Release Branches: When a set of features is ready for release, a release branch is created from the develop branch for final testing and bug fixes.
  • Hotfix Branches: Hotfix branches are used to quickly address critical issues in the production codebase. They are created from the master branch.

Importance of Git Flow

  • Structured Development: Git Flow provides a clear structure for managing feature development, releases, and hotfixes.
  • Parallel Workflows: Different teams can simultaneously work on separate feature branches, promoting parallel development.
  • Stable Master: The master branch remains stable and serves as a reliable base for production releases.

Choosing the right version control workflow is crucial for a successful development process. GitHub Flow is suitable for projects with frequent deployments and small teams, emphasizing simplicity and continuous integration. On the other hand, Git Flow provides a structured approach, making it ideal for larger projects with scheduled releases and multiple development teams.

By understanding the differences between GitHub Flow and Git Flow, you can make an informed decision on which workflow best aligns with your team’s requirements and project scale. Whether you opt for the flexibility of GitHub Flow or the structured approach of Git Flow, both workflows contribute to effective collaboration and streamlined development practices.

References: R Wen, Jennifer Falkenstein



Yan Min Thwin

Full-stack developer with proficiency in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, Redux, and Ruby on Rails.