Yann Spatafora
2 min readApr 18, 2024


In recent decades, VC has facilitated the emergence of entrepreneurial successes that contribute to solving numerous social and environmental challenges, notably leveraging science and technology.

The VC’s ability to scale innovations and make them accessible to a wide audience is undeniable. Let’s acknowledge that VC has also exacerbated some of the major challenges of our society, whether environmental (with energy-intensive technologies and consumption patterns), social (marked by a lack of inclusivity and diversity, as well as the precarity generated by certain economic models), or human (in terms of digital accessibility, data ethics, and algorithmic biases).

Faced with these limitations, more and more voices are being raised to propose alternative approaches. It is in this direction that we collectively decide to engage, by disrupting our practices and objectives to adopt a (eco)systemic approach:

Going beyond mere CO2 emissions reduction, which overlooks the other 8 planetary boundaries, thinking of planet and human as an inseparable whole and avoiding compartmentalized views, considering all stakeholders and involving them in decisions, no longer simply reducing one’s footprint but maximizing positive externality, asserting that performance and impact need each other to succeed tomorrow.

We are convinced that it is time to combine our strengths, support pioneering initiatives, and accompany solutions that resonate with the new aspirations of entrepreneurs, as well as investors. Let us come together to shape a future where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand, building a more inclusive, resilient, and flourishing world.

The Ternel Team


