Tomorrowland 2013. Yes I was there — incredible, magical, undescribeable.

Concerts are booster for your happiness

A piece about me. Part 4

Yannick Pulver


Concerts are great, you can hear and feel what all those artists made in a unique performance. Furthermore you support the artists you love listening to when you go on a concert. Because let’s be honest, they don’t gain a lot of money when you listen to their tracks on Spotify or other platforms.

If you know me, you might be aware of the fact that I go concerts quite frequently. The reason for that is simple, I’m always super happy after a concert. And I love the experience. A lot of people in one place with a similar taste of music enjoying and singing. That’s awesome, not only for the audience but also for the artist when they feel that we like their songs.

So. A few days ago, I went on a concert from Of Monsters and Men. I’m absolutely in love with their new album Beneath the Skin so before the concert, I was quite excited for how it would be going to be.

Of Monsters And Men

So about 30 minutes before the concert started, my friend and I got to the concert area which was located in a small stadium. I haven’t been there before, but now I can say, I would definitely go there again. Super cool atmosphere and we were able to catch some good places even with our “late” arrival.

The concert was absolutely amazing. I’m still not sure about if I like the sound of the supporting act or not, because it was — well, strange. But check it out for yourself, they are called Mammot. But then when Of Monsters and Men itself got on the stage, I instantly felt this incredible motion. All band members (well apart from the one guy at the guitar — what’s wrong with u? :( ) were so happy and enthusiastic about their songs, they laughed a lot. You could definitely see that they love what they are doing. And thats exactly what I love on concerts, to see and feel the magic when the artist lives for the music and creates this unique experiences.

That’s exactly the experiences I would love to tell my children, as well as my friends, family, everybody about, because they make me feel super happy. And thats the reason why you should go on concerts, too! They take you out of your ordinary life and give you something special. It doesn’t even matter if it’s a heavy metal concert, a pop concert or whatever you love listening to. Go & make the move! It’s worth spending the money and support the artists you love ❤!

Right now, I’m on the way to go to another concert! So I’ll have a fun evening which will fill me up with happiness! I hope you do enjoy whatever your right now, too!

Thats it, I have to leave my train! Have a nice week!
XO Yannick.

By the way: My lovely friend Domenique from Ecuador who supports me so much is going for president in her school. Soo.. please support her by joining her facebook-page! ❤



Yannick Pulver

I used to go on a lot of concerts. Now I rather run around with my camera. Or am somewhere deep into the forest coding problems.