Pure efficiency

Day 5 | EF New York

Yannick Pulver
3 min readAug 21, 2015

Today I haven’t got any class in the morning, sooo I decided to go shopping to New York City (haven’t been shopping so far). So therefore I got up at 8, gone for breakfast, took a super expensive taxi (actually it was worth it) and then went to Manhattan by train.

From Manhattan I took the subway to SoHo. After noticing where I am, I went to a couple of shops including Hollister, Urban Outfitters, and Timberland. I’ve bought some shirts, one for the party and a others.

But the time was up very soon, because I only had like 2 hours. Therefore, I had to start to go back from SoHo at 12am. It was an very efficient morning, I found some really cool things and I have to go there again, SoHo is looking pretty artistic and cool!

So at the Grand Central Station I’ve been to this shop and I bought a “BBQ Ceasar Salad Sandwich”, it looked pretty cool so I got it and forgot about to check if I got the right thing. Because afterwards in the train, I recognized that there was no Sandwich in the bag but a “BBQ Ceasar Salad”. Well ok — I actually don’t mind but I was excited for this sandwich so I was a bit sad about the situation. Anyway. I took my first bite aaaand suddenly my super clean white shirt was targeted by some salad which was falling of my fork. DAMN IT! I don’t wanted to change myself in the train because that would be super weird therefore I just tried to hide it with my arm while walking up from the trainstation in Tarrytown.

By the way, I wanted to take a taxi to the Campus, but only expensive ones were there again and I didn’t got any cash left. So I asked the guy how much will it cost to pay by CC. So he said

It costs 25 dollars by credit card.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Therefore I walked up, and because it was already 13:30, I had to stress a bit, because of the class at 2pm. I nearly run to the top, took a briefly shower and went to class. It was pretty intense, but I’m proud that I made it. Yay.

After class was over, I got to dinner to Rita Hall for the first time. I’ve been talking there with a cool friend, while eating some food. The food wasn’t that bad, actually it was okay.

Later on, we went for playing Jenga. It was actually pretty intense but very funny.

After some rounds playing, everyone was kicked to go outside, because they wanted to prepare the “Dance Party”. We’ve also enrolled for the dance party, so we just went to the rooms and afterwards we went to the party.

It was super funny to dance and talk with all the students. Everyone had fun, besides of those who were sitting around. Don’t sit around when you go to a dance party. You’re supposed to dance and its much cooler this way.

But at 12am it was already over. So we decided to go to Tarrytown to buy somethings at 7Eleven. We did so and when we wanted to go back to the campus, it started raining. Rain was super refreshing, but also yeah — wet, as you know. So when we got to the campus, we were super wet, but although it was fun. Afterwards we hang out, talked and had a great time. Yay. Was fun.

See you soon.
XO Yannick



Yannick Pulver

I used to go on a lot of concerts. Now I rather run around with my camera. Or am somewhere deep into the forest coding problems.