Paralyzed Heart

A poem

Yao Liu
1 min readDec 14, 2022
Photo by sergey mikheev on Unsplash

I lie on the deathbed,
Of our love,
A lie in itself,
To tell the truth;

I can feel the darkness,
Beginning to take us under,
And as I submerge,
Into the unknown world beyond us,
I whisper goodbye to you.

Love is a thing,
That starts and ends,
With an idea,
That blooms in our heads.

— You were never even my friend.

I think that love,
Should be grown carefully,
Not a feeling of excitement,
That is chased down,

I think that you could have loved me,

I think that you should not have,
Projected your fantasies onto me,
And instead taken the time,
To get to know my creases and folds,
And the things that I dislike the most,

— I am still,
Paralyzed in the heart,
And I do not know,
How long it will take,
For me to recover.


2022 Yao Liu.

Thank you for reading.

