Why Low-Code, No-Code, and Extreme No-Code are the best solutions to maintain Legacy Systems?

Yaroslav Kologryvov
3 min readDec 3, 2023


Legacy systems can indeed be costly to maintain, especially as technology advances and the system becomes outdated. However, whether low-code, no-code, or extreme no-code solutions are the best solution depends on various factors and the specific requirements of the organization.

Legacy System Assessment: Before deciding on any solution, it is essential to assess the current legacy system thoroughly. Evaluate its functionality, scalability, security, and compatibility with modern technologies. This assessment will help determine the best course of action.

Low-Code Development: Low-code development platforms allow organizations to build applications with minimal coding effort. They provide visual interfaces, pre-built components, and drag-and-drop functionality, enabling faster development and reducing the need for extensive programming skills. Low-code solutions can help modernize certain aspects of a legacy system while retaining some existing functionality.

No-Code Development: No-code development platforms take the concept further by enabling users to build applications entirely without coding. These platforms typically offer a visual interface and pre-built components, allowing business users to create applications tailored to their specific needs. No-code solutions are suitable for relatively simple applications and workflows, enabling rapid development without requiring technical expertise.

Extreme No-Code Solutions: Extreme no-code solutions go a step beyond traditional no-code platforms. They aim to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience, often relying on natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI). Extreme no-code solutions can be beneficial for automating repetitive tasks, creating chatbots, or building basic applications with minimal effort.

While low-code, no-code, and extreme no-code solutions have their advantages, it’s important to consider the limitations:

Complexity: Legacy systems are often complex, and not all aspects may be easily translated into low-code or no-code solutions. Some functionalities may require custom coding or integration with external systems.

Performance and Scalability: Depending on the complexity and scale of the application, low-code or no-code solutions might not offer the same level of performance and scalability as traditional development methods.

Customization: Legacy systems may have unique business logic and specific requirements that may not be easily achieved with low-code or no-code solutions. Customization might be limited, and some trade-offs may be necessary.

In conclusion, low-code, no-code, and extreme no-code solutions can be viable options for certain aspects of legacy system modernization. However, a careful evaluation of the existing system and its requirements is crucial to determine the best approach. In some cases, a combination of traditional development methods and low-code/no-code solutions may be the most effective approach to modernization. At PLATMA, we will help you to choose the best option of tools that will suit your business goals.





Yaroslav Kologryvov

PhD, CBDO & Co-Founder at PLATMA.com, General Partner at USP Capital Venture Fund, Former CEO of the Science Park of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.