Crewmate’s Log Day 04 : El Fin del Viaje

YouKnowIt’sBarney’s Blog
6 min readNov 3, 2016


I’m finally back home and yeah i know i was supposed to write this thing by 6pm but i wasn’t really in the right frame of mind to write. I needed my tea first. That’s the secret btw Denno, since you were asking, it’s in the tea. And sorry Jee, i hope this doesn’t make you work so late. But i think since you’re the #1 fan, it can be allowed.

So the cruise is finally over, that’s what the title means btw, just in case you were wondering; “The end of the journey.” The #SSJeeSquad has finally docked. One way or another this is a farewell to the squad. You know it’s funny how 7 days ago, i knew nothing of these amazing people that i have had the pleasure to interact with. And within 6 days i feel like we’ve been life long pals from them Sunday school days. I love you all with the love of code…see what i did there?? Yeah? Right? code as in like…yeah you get it. But then all in one weekend, everything will change and we won’t be together come Monday morning. So soak everything in, get the closest Ed Sheeran album you can find, turn on the feels and let’s begin.

Let’s start with Denno, just because i knew you first from the group. Although you’re not technically in the group anymore, you’ll always be part of the #JeeSquad family. Yes, you are now part of that other group but eeh?!? Those are just mere facts. Who cares about those right? I know you aspire to be a politician or at least you frequently indulge in the intricate pleasantries of politic-ing. I don’t really get it coz the extent of my political opinions can be summarised by a simple if statement: If Peter_Kenneth_running == True: return vote else: return wait for when he runs. But i’d vote for you though. I also hear you wish to marry soon, though 2022 can only be considered soon, in the Bible. You realize a class 7 kid will have finished high school by then. If we never meet again though, may the two wings of the chicken you devoured today carry you into new horizons. “May the selection forever be in your favour.”

Now to Peter. You’re one of the most passionate people i have met this bootcamp. I know you like to say that i’m a genius but if you would see me in my Natalie*(to be explained) moments you would retract your statement. But i guess you’re right. We are all geniuses, as that e = mc squared dude would put it.

‘Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.’ ~ Albert E.

Your UI literally saved our project today. It was the shining light in the relatively dark hole we dug ourselves into. Your relentless quest for knowledge is something i really admire and will borrow multiple leaves on. If we never meet again, remember, ‘Always ask questions’…i mean you already do but like, don’t forget. Also, “May the selection forever be in your favour”

Now to Trevor, or is it Twevor?? Dude, i did not know you before this morning when you pulled up a seat next to our group and asked “Is this Jee’s group?”, i remember thinking…

Conor McGregor at the UFC 205 presser

Yeah, i’m a huge UFC fan. But in all fairness, you joined the group last night and you just blended in like the freshman you are. Haha, you knew that was coming. You’re the coolest though…no, no, wait hey wait…no hey…let me explain. This dude shares a very personal belief that i have as well…‘The school system is a failure.’ I’m not going to go into details coz i’ll end up writing a whole novel and hold a seminar about it and no one wants that.

“Dear Board of Education, we are also bored of education.” ~Ninguna idea

He’s also a language enthusiast como yo. He also ‘apparently’ has written novels. I don’t quite know the extent of that truth but, that’s what he said, so... If we never meet again, just know that i wish you had joined the group earlier coz your binary search works perfectly. Also unto thee, “May the selection forever be in your favour.”

Paul my man, si kuhate kama ni ukweli. Kama gari ni ya kampuni ni ya kampuni. Haha… dude, you got ideas for days. And i know that if our project would have worked perfectly, we would have slayed the others, we would have red weddinged these guys, no mother’s mercy. But you know, it is what it is. At the end of the day, the sky is blue(yo, real quick, if you know where that reference is from, we’re mates!)…I had my lucky socks on today i just hope the luck was enough. After this Andela thing(ooh…spoiler alert!), we should definitely do something together. If we never meet again…oh wait, i’ve already spoiled it…oh well, “May the selection forever be in your favour.”

Nat, Nat, Nat by Nature… So you say that you can sing. Okay, record setting straightening time…you can’t sing, my dear. You got a voice, sure but until you give me that A#(sharp),i’m sorry but you can’t sing. You can draw, i imagine. I mean otherwise it would be straight-up weird to be carrying a sketch pad everywhere you go. It’s like an accountant carrying around a stethoscope all the time. You would start to question the state of his mental facs. Which brings me to the term Natalie moments. I’m sorry for anikaring you out like this but…This is a true story, all truly true, no lies. So today whilst giving her number to Twev on Twev’s phone, she entered her number as any of us would, yeah? and…hahahaahah…compose yourself Barney…she…hahahahaaaa…she…i’m sorry give me a sec. I swear this is funny every single time. She lifts the phone upto her ears waiting for a response, for a freaking response. hahahahahahahhhahaaaa…(*cue audience laugh) Yeah, i know. Me and Twev we’re dying out there. 1000% highlight of my day. In case we never meet again, I will always cherish the half an hour i spent as boyfriend#7 of the day. Para ti tambien, “May the selection forever be in your favour.”

And finally to Jee, the Don to this Mafia family. You have moved from being a BFA, what does that mean anyway Best For Antiquing?? Yo, btw this dude collects old coins, like really old coins. Not from like 2005 or those times. Like from the 40s and such. You are by far the ‘best for antiquing’ around(not sucking up or anything but you’re the coolest). If this is the end for me, i wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. And for that, on your 250th birthday, i will bring you a coin from 2005. You won’t be hating on it then, will you? And we’ll reminisce of the ‘good old days’ when it was still The Republic of Kenya before they invaded. Don’t ask me who they are. You’ll see when they arrive. For you fam, “May the wisdom to choose forever be in your favour”

That being said, as much as i’d like to wish the other half of #JeeSquad to crash and burn tomorrow. I really wish them the best! I know Ryan and Mark will slaughter us but i mean, go get em!! Go Game of Thrones on these dudes! Wave the sigil of our house high and proud and always remember our words, “Ours is the fun.” That being said, See you guys on Monday! #TIA

I know that this post was a bit long but given the circumstances, you understand... Hasta la proxima…

Mi nombre es Barney y yo apruebo este mensaje.

…Log out…

