If you got 1 million dollars, what would you do?

2 min readDec 4, 2023


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

If I got 1 million dollars…

I was asked the same question when I was a college student. At that time, I responded that I would donate all 1 million dollars and continue living my normal life because I thought that gaining a sudden windfall might bring bad luck, much like a person receiving too much money beyond their ability to control, often leading to negative outcomes.

However, over the years. I’ve changed my mind. I’ve come to realized that money does possess a certain kind of power, provided you know how to use it.

Now, if I were to receive 1 millions dollars, I would divided it into three parts.

One-third of it would be invested in the stock market to ensure I have a million dollars for the future.

Another portion would be utilized to establish an foundation aimed at helping minority groups. I haven’t decided on a specific minority yet. My wish is to help all people in need. However, it’s crucial to have a specific goal to ensure the right groups benifit from the funds

The final one-third of the money… I would use it to travel the world and engage in light-hearted activities. Society can be too harsh and serious that I’d like to inject some humor into it.

Money holds power. If you were to receive 1 million dollars, what would you do?

