Ayam Geprek Kuproy: The Sizzling Sensation from Indonesia!

Yasinta Dewi Pradina
1 min readNov 7, 2023

Ayam Geprek Kuproy, a prominent member of the renowned Omnivour family, is making waves in the Indonesian culinary scene. While Omnivour has consistently championed health-conscious dining, Ayam Geprek Kuproy is taking innovation to new heights by introducing a mouthwatering selection of crispy, fiery fries to its menu. This strategic move aims to make Ayam Geprek Kuproy even more accessible and appealing to a diverse customer base, including those in the Middle-Income demographic.

This brand is a remarkable blend of traditional Indonesian flavours and modern culinary ingenuity. The addition of a fries menu is a testament to Ayam Geprek Kuproy’s adaptability and its commitment to providing a well-rounded dining experience for a wider audience. With this savoury and affordable option, Ayam Geprek Kuproy ensures that more individuals within the Middle-Income demographic can savour the joy of indulgent dining without breaking the bank.

In extending its menu to include delectable fries, Ayam Geprek Kuproy reinforces its belief that delicious and satisfying culinary adventures should be within everyone’s reach. It’s not just a brand; it’s a culinary journey that transcends economic boundaries, ensuring that the sizzling sensation of Ayam Geprek Kuproy can be enjoyed by all.



Yasinta Dewi Pradina

A food entrepreneur, mechanical engineer, and a versatile voice over talent