How 84% of Businesses Are Saving Big with Cloud Adoption?

Yasec Kowalski
3 min readApr 15, 2024


84% of businesses that adopt cloud reduced computing costs

Picture this: It’s a bright new day in the business world, and an impressive 84% of companies are celebrating a win — they’ve climbed aboard the cloud computing train and seen their costs take a nosedive. Let’s explore this phenomenal shift in plain language, revealing why so many businesses are waving goodbye to sky-high computing costs and how it’s a big deal for your pocket.

Why is Switching to the Cloud Like Finding a Treasure Chest?

Imagine you’re running a lemonade stand. In the past, you had to buy all the lemons, sugar, cups, and even the stand itself upfront, not knowing if you’ll sell enough lemonade to cover your costs. The cloud is like having a magical lemonade stand that grows or shrinks depending on how many thirsty customers you have, and you only pay for the lemons and sugar you actually use. Pretty neat, right?

1. Only Pay for What You Sip

The cloud lets businesses use computing power like a utility — think of it as a pay-per-sip model. Need more tech juice for a big project? Turn the tap on. Project’s done? Turn it back down. You’re in control, avoiding waste and saving cash.

2. Say So Long to the Tech Junkyard

Before the cloud, companies had to buy all sorts of tech gear — servers, storage, the works — and maintain it all. Now, the cloud provider handles that, kind of like a landlord taking care of the building. You just enjoy the space without worrying about the leaky roof or the busted furnace.

3. Smarter Work, Not Harder Work

The cloud comes packed with tools that are like having a super-smart assistant. They help you work faster, smarter, and make fewer mistakes. This means you can do more without hiring an army, letting you put your money where it matters most — growing your business.

Why Is This So Darn Important?

Think of your business as a ship. In a sea of competition, you want to be the speediest and the most nimble to find that treasure island before anyone else. Cutting costs with the cloud is like tossing overboard all the heavy, unnecessary cargo that’s slowing you down. Now, you’re sailing fast, catching the wind, and reaching new markets and opportunities before the other ships even spot land.

The Bottom Line

Embracing the cloud isn’t just a tech trend; it’s a smart move that’s all about saving money, working efficiently, and staying ahead of the competition. It’s like giving your business a first-class ticket to Successville without breaking the bank. So, are you ready to join the 84% of businesses riding high on cloud nine? The sky is calling, and it’s filled with savings!

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Yasec Kowalski

All about the cloud, Infrastructure as Code and having a safety net spanned around your online products. → Founder of