UX problem you didn’t know you have while using Whatsapp.

A case study on how I redesign a feature of Whatsapp.

mohammed yaseen
2 min readJun 15, 2021


Disclaimer : This is a personal project based out of problem i came across while using whatsapp. I did it for my own interest.

🔴 Problem Statement: When your friend share a person’s (known or unknown) contact with you on whatsapp, you can’t call them through phone until you add them in contacts, and you have the other options to either make a whatsapp voice call or invite them on whatsapp (if they are not on whatsapp)

The problem: Flow of shared contact and its options

🟢 Solution: letting the user decide by Providing with an option to either directly make a call from the phone or whatsapp without adding the number.

-changed icons and options according to the proposed solution.

💡 How I came up with the solution: Since I changed the icons and actions associated with it, I decided to keep the icons along with the label for more user understandability and created filled and outlined icons to match the system.

  • And removed the video call option as the person is not added in your contacts and rearranged the action icons for priority so that the user won’t get confused.
in pic: before and after the change of icons

Here’s the Figma link for high fidelity prototype of how this would look:


conclusion note: Since it was only a feature, I still had fun while solving this little problem and got to learn about apple’s human interface guidelines and hopefully I will be back soon writing more about the bigger problems I solve, till then hop on my beginner design journey on Instagram or connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Thank you for Reading ❤



mohammed yaseen

An aspiring designer...hoping to solve people problems.