5 awesome reasons to visit the Yasaka Shrine in Gion

Yaseen Hijazi
4 min readMay 29, 2024

Known as Japan’s geisha district, Gion is home to many of Kyoto’s traditional arts and culture, including the iconic Yasaka Shrine.

A Shrine Steeped in Japanese History

Since its first iteration back in the year 650, the Yasaka Shrine (also known as “Gion Shrine”) has stood strong as a central place of Japanese cultural arts and performances in the way of Shintoism.

Today, it’s become a popular tourist destination that still holds strong many of its cultural traditions. Here are 5 awesome reasons to take a trip to Gion and visit the iconic Yasaka Shrine:

1. Enthusiastic Vibes

Firstly, I want to point out that tourists and crowds aren’t always a bad thing, despite popular contemporary belief.

When you understand that everyone visiting the Yasaka Shrine has the same purpose in mind as you, the distaste for these crowds turns into one of appreciation and a common love for Japanese culture and arts.

At night when Gion is at its busiest and most vibrant state, you can enjoy the happy vibes of visitors…

