Mastering the Art of Note-Taking: 10 Effective Methods with Examples

5 min readOct 12, 2023


Photo: Ivan Samkov

Effective note-taking is a skill that can significantly impact your learning, productivity, and overall understanding of the information presented to you. In this blog post, I’ve curated a comprehensive guide (including a visual example for each method) to ten powerful note-taking methods, such as the Cornell Method, Mind Mapping, and the Sentence Method.

📝 Cornell Method:

The Cornell Method is a well-structured and organized approach to taking notes. It’s particularly useful for lectures, presentations, and discussions, as it encourages active listening and concise note-taking. The method divides your paper into three distinct sections: Notes, Cues, and Summary.

  • Notes: Write down the main points and key details during a lecture.
  • Cues: In the left margin, jot down questions or keywords that summarize the notes.
  • Summary: At the bottom, create a brief summary of the entire lecture.

🧠 Example:

💡 Additional Tips:

  • Use Visual Aids: Incorporate diagrams, charts, or simple illustrations in your Notes section to clarify complex ideas.
  • Color-Coding: If using digital tools, consider color-coding your notes to distinguish between main points, examples, and supporting details.
  • Review and Revise: Regularly review your notes, incorporating cues and summaries as memory aids for better retention.
  • Active Engagement: During the lecture, engage with the material by asking questions, seeking clarification, and making connections.

📝 Outlining:

The Outlining method is an organized and structured way to capture information. It is often used to break down complex topics, such as lectures, textbooks, or discussions, into a hierarchical structure of main points and supporting details.

⚙️ Structure of outlining method:

  • Main Point 1
  • Subpoint 1
  • Subpoint 2
  • Main Point 2
  • Subpoint 1
  • Subpoint 2

🧠 Example:

📝 Mind Mapping:

The Mind Mapping method is a creative and visual approach to capturing and organizing information. It’s particularly effective for brainstorming, organizing thoughts, and making connections between various concepts.

⚙️ Structure of mind mapping method:

  • Start with a central idea or topic in the center of the page and draw branches to related subtopics, connecting them with lines and keywords.

🧠 Example:

📝 Flowcharting:

Flowcharting is a visual method that uses boxes and arrows to represent steps in a process, a sequence of events, or the flow of information. It’s particularly effective for illustrating procedures, decision trees, and complex workflows.

⚙️ Structure of flowcharting method:

  • Create boxes and arrows to represent steps in a process or a flow of information.

🧠 Example:

📝 Charting or Tabular Method:

  • The Charting / Tabular Method is a structured approach for organizing and comparing two or more sets of data or information using tables or charts. This method is particularly effective for comparing pros and cons, features, specifications, and any kind of side-by-side comparison.
  • This note taking method is an effective way to compare and contrast data or information systematically. It’s commonly used in decision-making processes, evaluations, product comparisons, and any scenario where side-by-side analysis is essential. This method promotes clarity and allows for easy identification of differences and similarities between different sets of data.

🧠 Example:

📝 Sentence Method:

The Sentence Method is a straightforward and organized approach to taking notes. It involves writing complete sentences to capture key information, concepts, and details during lectures, presentations, or while reading. This method is especially useful when you want to create comprehensive and narrative-style notes.

⚙️ Structure of sentence method:

  • Write full sentences to describe the main ideas, using proper grammar and punctuation.

🧠 Example:

📝 Voice Recording:

Voice recording is a method of note-taking that involves using an audio recording device or software to capture spoken information, such as lectures, meetings, interviews, or personal thoughts. It offers an alternative to written or typed notes and can be particularly useful in various scenarios.

💡 Additional Tips:

1. Use the Right Equipment

2. Set Up Properly

3. Focus on Clear Audio

4. Organize Recordings

5. Be Mindful of Privacy

📝 Sketchnotes:

  • Combine drawings, symbols, and text to illustrate concepts. For example, you might draw a picture of a tree to represent the topic of environmental conservation and add keywords and labels.

🧠 Example:

📝 Digital Notes:

  • Use a note-taking app to create and organize notes with features like bullet points, checkboxes, and formatting.

📎 Some free digital note taking apps, tools:

Clickup, Paper, SquidNotes, GoodNotes

📝 Flashcards:

  • Create physical or digital flashcards with a term or question on one side and the corresponding answer or definition on the other.

🧠 Example:

Hope they’ll work for you, see you. 🥳

