The Study Habits of Fictional Characters #1 Rory Gilmore

3 min readMay 6, 2023


I am starting a series of articles in which I will explain how the characters of TV series and movies study. Hope it helps you! ☺️

Rory Gilmore is one of the most beloved characters from the television series “Gilmore Girls”. She is known for her intelligence, dedication, and hard work. As a student, Rory is portrayed as a model of academic success, always striving to do her best in school. But what exactly are Rory’s study habits, and how can we learn from her approach to education?

Here are some of the key strategies that Rory Gilmore uses to excel academically:

  1. Reading a lot of books: Rory is a voracious reader, and she spends a significant amount of time reading books both for school and for pleasure. This habit allows her to develop a broad base of knowledge and to become well-versed in a variety of subjects. Reading also helps her to improve her vocabulary and writing skills, which are important for success in many academic subjects.
  2. Taking extensive notes: When Rory reads, she takes thorough notes, highlighting important passages and jotting down key ideas. This helps her to retain information and to review it later when she needs to study for a test or write a paper. In addition to taking notes on her readings, Rory also takes notes during class lectures and discussions, ensuring that she doesn’t miss any important information.
  3. Creating a dedicated study space: Rory is often shown studying in the school library or at home in her bedroom. By creating a dedicated study space, she is able to minimize distractions and focus on her work. This helps her to be more productive and to get more done in less time.
  1. Participating in extracurricular activities: Rory is not just a bookworm; she also participates in a variety of extracurricular activities, including debate club, volunteering at a local charity, and writing for the school newspaper. These activities help her to develop a range of skills, including leadership, teamwork, and communication, that are valuable in both academic and professional settings.
  2. Seeking help when needed: Despite her academic success, Rory is not afraid to ask for help when she needs it. Whether she needs clarification on a difficult concept or feedback on a writing assignment, she is not hesitant to approach her teachers or seek out other resources to help her succeed.
  3. Staying organized: Rory is known for her meticulous organization, from color-coding her notes to keeping a detailed planner to manage her assignments and activities. By staying organized, she is able to keep track of everything she needs to do and to ensure that she doesn’t miss any deadlines or forget any important details.

By following these strategies, Rory is able to excel academically and achieve her goals. But her approach to education is not just about getting good grades; it’s about a love of learning and a commitment to personal growth and development. By emulating Rory’s study habits, we can all become better students and achieve our own academic success.

Twitter: yasemag

