Paying Tax Is Not Enough!!

Yash Verma
3 min readSep 25, 2019


A citizen plays a vital role in the progress of the nation and paying taxes is the fundamental duty of every citizen.It leads to the development ,progress and success of the nation but in my opinion paying taxes is not enough ,every citizen owe responsibilities also as being an integral part of the nation.

Taxes are the revenue that the government takes for the welfare of the citizens which acts as a source of income for the government from which they provide better schemes , enhancing the security by providing weapons to armed forces , can also improve and increase the quality of services which includes medical,financials ,educational, sports services etc .Taxes also helps in building , maintaining historical monuments of the nation .The authorities can also improve the infrastructure and pay remuneration to the employees who are rendering their services to the nation.The most vital role that taxes play is that it maintains the balance between rich and poor by providing free education and basic amenities to the needy and It can further be illustrated with an example that government has introduced various types of taxes like GST(a service tax),house tax etc.

On the other hand people also have various responsibilities along with paying taxes which includes casting vote which plays the utmost role in choosing the right person for the nation ,obeying the rules implemented by the government , less use of the products which can be harmful for the environment and appropriate use of resources ,respect the presence of other living beings and treating them equally irrespective of their caste,gender,colour. One shouldrenumeration always take a stand while doing the right thing and should help others by participating in various NGOs activities which includes giving the used clothes and other resources which can be helpful for the needy people which can also reduce the waste produced by an individual and will led to a better environment.A good citizen should be aware of it’s surroundings and should take full benefit of all the rules which also includes the right to information where one can learn all about the money which they have paid as a tax , the new schemes launched and many more.

Some people believe that as they are paying taxes they can misuse the facilities which are provided by the government while some people think that paying taxes is just a waste of money and is a way in which government is taking advantage of the people by charging high amount of taxes but according to me paying tax is a wonderful tool.All citizens should work together to conserve the resources provided by the authorities ,use it effectively and they have to move in hand to hand with government then only a nation achieve heights,all should have the feeling of Indian first .So at last I would like to conclude that paying taxes are not enough for well being of our nation but responsibilities also contributes a vital role towards the progress of our nation to make it a better place to live in. As rightly has it been said by Gordon B.Hinckley “Every good citizen adds to the strength of a nation”.We as a citizen are the strength of our nation and should pay fair share of taxes to the government without any delay as it may effect the country's ‘economy and services it provides and should have full faith in government and perform your duties and responsibilities attached to it.

