Daraz App Redesign — UX/UI Case Study

Pathway to minimize the drop-off rate

5 min readNov 9, 2023


Daraz is South Asia’s leading eCommerce marketplace, providing access to 35 million products for 30 million monthly active users in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

In this project, I revamped the user experience and redesigned the UI of the Daraz app.

My Role

I am the sole UX/UI designer for this project. I assessed the customer’s feedback and conducted a heuristic app evaluation.


Daraz keeps adding new features to the app but doesn’t take the necessary actions to improve its experience. Here are the key problems with the core experience of the app:

Problem no. 1

Problem no. 2

Problem no. 3

Defining the problem: “How might I redesign a better experience for consumers to prevent drop-off from the app”?


  • A consistent UX and easy-to-use interface

The main goal is to design an interface that makes people feel like home and provides a better, more consistent experience.


At first, I performed an in-depth exploration of the user’s feedback to understand them deeply. Then I concentrated on figuring out what is the job that the customers hire this product for.

1.User Feedback Collection

Here are some chunks of user's feedback about the Daraz app:

2. Empathy Map

I created an empathy map to empathize with the user’s feelings and understand their issues.

3. Users Archetype

After reviewing user's feedback and understanding them, I defined 2 users and profiled them with their specific jobs-to-be-done.

Heuristic Evaluation

I conducted a heuristic assessment of the app’s interface to detect usability issues and identify ways to resolve them.

Competitor Analysis

I analyzed major competitor apps to gain insights into their features, functions, and design strategies.

Amazon — E-commerce app

  • Home screen is organized as compared to the Daraz app.
  • Categories are placed right below the search bar.
  • Right visual hierarchy.
  • Sections are organized and catch the user’s attention.
  • Product price is shown in a bigger font size than other details.

Gopuff — Q-commerce app

  • Simple and minimal interface.
  • Visual hierarchy is right on point.
  • Users can easily navigate through the design.
  • Every screen design is consistent.

Ali Express — E-commerce app

  • Search page provides “discover more” option for the user’s ease.
  • Use of minimal icons.
  • Pricing is highlighted in primary color.
  • Separate Feed and Explore screens in the app.


Here are some of the early sketches I sketched to visualize my design ideas quickly.

Early Designs

A sneak peek into my early wireframes, mid-fidelity designs, and drafts. Each screen went through plenty of iterations to arrive at the design. It was due to several reasons: cluttered design, lack of scalability, and simply to improve the user experience.


I wanted the home screen to be humanizing and minimal, providing just the necessary information on the first view. These are the various designs I tried but did not make the cut.

Search & Filter

I put a lot of thought into how I could make the search and filter page personalized for the users. These are the initial designs I decided to go with, but I found them unfit later due to the “unclear UX”.

Product Detail

I didn’t want to overwhelm the users with a lot of content on the product detail screen. I experimented with elements placement many times to provide all the important information about the product while maintaining a reasonable amount of breathing space in the interface.

Final Designs

All of the designs went through countless iterations to validate a friendly experience for the users. Here is a detailed walkthrough of the revamped app.

Yayy! Your home is tailored to you!

New home now has more relevant content with a clearer user experience. A detailed breakdown is given below.

Easy peasy searching — The Explore Tab

I changed search and discover to “explore” and provided advanced options for users to comfortably look for any product they want.

Tidy and Breezy Product Listing

I designed a clutter-free interface for product listing that encourages users to hunt through products and search effortlessly.

Revamped Product Detail Page

I eradicated the irrelevant content and displayed only the important information upfront for easier navigation.

Minimal and Improved Cart Page

I kept the interface straightforward and user-friendly to prevent users from getting sidetracked by irrelevant content on the cart screen.

All Design Screens

What I Learned

It is important to change the app experience from time to time in order to

  • Match the changing consumer behavior.
  • Keep up with emerging trends.
  • Stay competitive in the marketplace.
  • Improve the user experience for the target audience.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed learning about my design and thought process. :)

