#1. Human art in the AI age.

Yashas Reddy K
2 min readJan 23, 2024


Since the early 2020’s AI-generated content has grown exponentially. The increase in productivity in all aspects of work has caused big tech companies to double down on investing in generative AI.

Image by vecstock on Freepik

The problem: Using AI to automate mundane tasks is well and good. It’s a boon to humankind since it would free up time for humans to focus inward and explore. Instead, the applications being developed are using the content generated by humans since time immemorial to automate Art. This has left many artists in despair since any content that they make including writing novels can be done by AI in seconds. Although the content is subpar, the improvements made by LLMs such as GPT and LLAMA in such a short time frame have been astonishing.

Solutions: The only solution is to isolate human-generated content from AI content. The only 2 options are to either tag human content or AI content.

1st Scenario (Humans in cages): Tagging human content to create a safe space for human content to thrive. In this scenario, humans have given up the vast majority of the internet where AI has already taken over and will expand on in the future. Humans create applications where only human-generated art and novels are allowed which will require KYC to be done for the entire population. The downside to such a system is enormous as it would help authorities track down content written by any person and penalize them which will be a huge downside for free speech. In this future, it is the human content that is controlled rather than controlling the AI content.

2nd Scenario (AI in cages): Big tech already dominates a vast majority of AI-generated content from their LLMs. This is an advantage since we can easily create mechanisms to tag and identify a vast majority of AI-generated creative content at its source. A few outliers will always exist such as some open-source models which might not like the idea of tagging AI content since it’s human nature to rebel and explore curiosities. But sooner or later big tech always dominates the mainstream.

Conclusion: Mandate big tech to create mechanisms to tag AI-generated content at its source in a way that the tag should be visible to everyone who views the content.

