How to utilize free time at office/workplace (11 activities)

Yash Jha
5 min readApr 2, 2020


How many times did this happen; you have gone for work and either there is no work at the office, or you’ve completed work early.
Or maybe there is a lot of free time in general.
Either way here is the list of 11 activities that you can do in free time in office.

Google questions

◘ Answer on quora

◘ Start a blog and make money online

◘ Clean up your workplace

◘ Time restoration

◘ Practice a hobby

◘ Work on yourself

◘ Start writing a diary, or journal

◘ Make a playlist

◘ Online course

◘ Talk with other co-workers, you don’t know

Let’s discuss each point one by one.

1. Google Questions

I find it to be awesome. Google questions you always wanted to know answers to, be it as small as “What is the tip of the shoelace called?”, or as weird as “Can I live by only eating leaves?”. Speak your mind and Google is there to help.

2. Answer questions

What feels better than Instagram likes?

Upvotes, that we get after helping people out on Quora.

Just go to Quora > sign up > follow the topics you’re interested in/ expert in >answer the related questions.

I remember spending hours helping out 100s of people, a majority of them even reached out to me saying thanks, and some even visited my blog and became my subscribers.

Seriously, helping people out is the highest motivation you can achieve.

3. Start a blog

This is when we shift our identity from consumers to creators of content.

You can use free platforms like Constant Contact Website Builder, Blogger, Wordpress or Ucraft. I find constant contact to be the best.

Also, check out: How to start a blog in 2020

A blog can also act as a great source of passive income.


You can either display ads on your blog and, those will pay you.

Or, you can do affiliate marketing, but make sure to start a blog on a topic you are passionate about.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.

4. Clean up the workplace

This happens to all of us, we’ve got a ton of free time, we just waste it, and next day we wish “I should have cleaned my ugly looking workplace”.

Well! Now I guess now you have the chance.

5. Time Restoration

I’ve read an article at ‘the muse’ where Janet Choi talks about time restoration. She says the best way to use the extra time you get is to pinpoint the time-consuming little tasks that you do regularly and search for ways to help you optimize or eliminate those processes.

For example, I’ve found that, while working, the majority of my time gets consumed just thinking and worrying about nonsense instead of focusing on work.

How did I fix this?


Similarly, I would encourage you to find and fix those areas in which you spend the majority of your time while working.

6. Practice your hobby

Or get a hobby if you don’t have one.

I find hobbies to be one of the single most important and beautiful things you can have in your lives. Its essence is beyond words.

What’s more beautiful than practicing your hobby for the entire night?

OK back to the point, if you have lots of free time then just go for it.

You can be benefited from it in multiple ways:

1. Hobbies can be used as a future carrier option, which you will enjoy doing

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

— Steve Jobs

2. They are an excellent time killer

3. Hobbies are a great stress reliever

4. It allows you to explore yourself and your talents

Unless you try different things you won’t know what you are capable of, or what you should be doing.

Also, check out: List of hobbies

7. Work on yourself

When was the last time you worked on yourself?

For most people, the answer is never. But here is good news, now is the time. If you are reading this I assume you have a golden opportunity now, to work on yourselves.

Even if you don’t have much free time, that’s OK. Investment in yourself is the greatest investment you can do in your entire life. I would like you to take time out and work on yourselves.

Here is a little trick:

Buy a book and keep it at your workplace. Read it whenever you have free time. You won’t believe how many books I’ve completed by simply utilizing the free time I get during the entire course of my day.

Or if you don’t wanna spend money buying books, go to PDF Drive, and store a copy of Ebook on your phone and just do the trick mentioned above.

Also, check out below mentioned sources and activities:

Alex Becker’s Channel (Youtube)

Research about ‘shadow work’

Improvement Pill (Youtube)

Letting go by David R. Hawkins (Book)

Research about meditation

Pursuit of wonder (Youtube)

8. Start a diary or journal

Writing a diary is another one of my hobbies. And it is helpful in a variety of different ways.

In your journal, try answering these questions:

What triggered you, today?

Why did it trigger you?

How can you solve it?

What are the plans for tomorrow?

What are your accomplishments today?

Also, checkout,

9. Make a playlist

Make a playlist of music you enjoy. Trust me you’ll thank me later.

10. Online course

Take an online course.

Miss your school days?

Good news for you. Learning never stops, and teaching never stops either. There are a ton of free online courses available, be it on YouTube, Udemy, or Skillshare.

Heck, you can even use google. Simply type in {(keyword) free course}.

Simply pick one course you are interested in or passionate about and get going.

11. Talk to other co-workers

Make more friends.

Talk to other co-workers you don’t know and get to know them better.

Now I know you might say “but I feel shy to talk to new people”

After this program, you’ll be no more: Activities to overcome shyness

