How to use Particle.js animation in Your React Project

Yash Kumar Shrivas
7 min readAug 12, 2023


Steps to integrate Particle.js in your Project as Follows :

1. Know about Tsparticle.JS

  • You can browse themes in the present section, also attaching the image so
  • you don’t get confused
  • Current Theme: Tunnel 🚀

you can export the file by clicking the export button , as you can see in above photo.

2. Create React App

Create a new folder and open it with VsCode then :

  1. Open a new Terminal and type
  • npx create-react-app

2. If you are facing any issues you can check out React official Documentation

React Documentation

3. Install the Particle.js Library

npm i react-tsparticles  
npm i tsparticles

If you get any issues, use –force, as this will force update everything, so it can resolve the issues.

npm install react-tsparticles --force
npm install tsparticles --force

Particles.Js Useful Links

4. Next step: you have to create a component folder inside the src folder

  • Inside the component folder create one Particle.JSX file
  • then paste this code
  import Particles from "react-tsparticles";
import { loadFull } from "tsparticles";

const ParticleBackground = () => {
const particlesInit = async (main) => {

// you can initialize the tsParticles instance (main) here, adding custom shapes or presets
// this loads the tsparticles package bundle, it's the easiest method for getting everything ready
// starting from v2 you can add only the features you need reducing the bundle size
await loadFull(main);

return (
autoPlay: true,
background: {
color: {
value: "#000000",
image: "",
position: "",
repeat: "",
size: "",
opacity: 1,
backgroundMask: {
composite: "destination-out",
cover: {
color: {
value: "#fff",
opacity: 1,
enable: false,
defaultThemes: {},
delay: 0,
fullScreen: {
enable: true,
zIndex: -1,
detectRetina: true,
duration: 0,
fpsLimit: 120,
interactivity: {
detectsOn: "window",
events: {
onClick: {
enable: false,
mode: [],
onDiv: {
selectors: [],
enable: false,
mode: [],
type: "circle",
onHover: {
enable: false,
mode: [],
parallax: {
enable: false,
force: 2,
smooth: 10,
resize: {
delay: 0.5,
enable: true,
modes: {
trail: {
delay: 1,
pauseOnStop: false,
quantity: 1,
attract: {
distance: 200,
duration: 0.4,
easing: "ease-out-quad",
factor: 1,
maxSpeed: 50,
speed: 1,
bounce: {
distance: 200,
bubble: {
distance: 200,
duration: 0.4,
mix: false,
divs: {
distance: 200,
duration: 0.4,
mix: false,
selectors: [],
connect: {
distance: 80,
links: {
opacity: 0.5,
radius: 60,
grab: {
distance: 100,
links: {
blink: false,
consent: false,
opacity: 1,
push: {
default: true,
groups: [],
quantity: 4,
remove: {
quantity: 2,
repulse: {
distance: 200,
duration: 0.4,
factor: 100,
speed: 1,
maxSpeed: 50,
easing: "ease-out-quad",
divs: {
distance: 200,
duration: 0.4,
factor: 100,
speed: 1,
maxSpeed: 50,
easing: "ease-out-quad",
selectors: [],
slow: {
factor: 3,
radius: 200,
light: {
area: {
gradient: {
start: {
value: "#ffffff",
stop: {
value: "#000000",
radius: 1000,
shadow: {
color: {
value: "#000000",
length: 2000,
manualParticles: [],
particles: {
bounce: {
horizontal: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0.1,
value: 1,
vertical: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0.1,
value: 1,
collisions: {
absorb: {
speed: 2,
bounce: {
horizontal: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0.1,
value: 1,
vertical: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0.1,
value: 1,
enable: false,
maxSpeed: 50,
mode: "bounce",
overlap: {
enable: true,
retries: 0,
color: {
value: "#fff",
animation: {
h: {
count: 0,
enable: false,
offset: 0,
speed: 20,
delay: 0,
decay: 0,
sync: true,
s: {
count: 0,
enable: false,
offset: 0,
speed: 1,
delay: 0,
decay: 0,
sync: true,
l: {
count: 0,
enable: false,
offset: 0,
speed: 1,
delay: 0,
decay: 0,
sync: true,
groups: {
z5000: {
number: {
value: 70,
zIndex: {
value: 50,
z7500: {
number: {
value: 30,
zIndex: {
value: 75,
z2500: {
number: {
value: 50,
zIndex: {
value: 25,
z1000: {
number: {
value: 40,
zIndex: {
value: 10,
move: {
angle: {
offset: 0,
value: 10,
attract: {
distance: 200,
enable: false,
rotate: {
x: 600,
y: 1200,
center: {
x: 50,
y: 50,
mode: "percent",
radius: 0,
decay: 0,
distance: {},
direction: "right",
drift: 0,
enable: true,
gravity: {
acceleration: 9.81,
enable: false,
inverse: false,
maxSpeed: 50,
path: {
clamp: true,
delay: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 0,
enable: false,
options: {},
outModes: {
default: "out",
bottom: "out",
left: "out",
right: "out",
top: "out",
random: false,
size: false,
speed: 5,
spin: {
acceleration: 0,
enable: false,
straight: false,
trail: {
enable: false,
length: 10,
fill: {},
vibrate: false,
warp: false,
number: {
density: {
enable: false,
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
limit: 0,
value: 200,
opacity: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0.1,
value: 1,
animation: {
count: 0,
enable: false,
speed: 3,
decay: 0,
delay: 0,
sync: false,
mode: "auto",
startValue: "random",
destroy: "none",
minimumValue: 0.1,
reduceDuplicates: false,
shadow: {
blur: 0,
color: {
value: "#000",
enable: false,
offset: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
shape: {
close: true,
fill: true,
options: {},
type: "circle",
size: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 1,
value: 3,
animation: {
count: 0,
enable: false,
speed: 5,
decay: 0,
delay: 0,
sync: false,
mode: "auto",
startValue: "random",
destroy: "none",
stroke: {
width: 0,
zIndex: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 5,
opacityRate: 0.5,
sizeRate: 1,
velocityRate: 1,
destroy: {
bounds: {},
mode: "none",
split: {
count: 1,
factor: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 3,
rate: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: {
min: 4,
max: 9,
sizeOffset: true,
particles: {},
roll: {
darken: {
enable: false,
value: 0,
enable: false,
enlighten: {
enable: false,
value: 0,
mode: "vertical",
speed: 25,
tilt: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 0,
animation: {
enable: false,
speed: 0,
decay: 0,
sync: false,
direction: "clockwise",
enable: false,
twinkle: {
lines: {
enable: false,
frequency: 0.05,
opacity: 1,
particles: {
enable: false,
frequency: 0.05,
opacity: 1,
wobble: {
distance: 5,
enable: false,
speed: {
angle: 50,
move: 10,
life: {
count: 0,
delay: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 0,
sync: false,
duration: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0.0001,
value: 0,
sync: false,
rotate: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 0,
animation: {
enable: false,
speed: 0,
decay: 0,
sync: false,
direction: "clockwise",
path: false,
orbit: {
animation: {
count: 0,
enable: false,
speed: 1,
decay: 0,
delay: 0,
sync: false,
enable: false,
opacity: 1,
rotation: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 45,
width: 1,
links: {
blink: false,
color: {
value: "#ffffff",
consent: false,
distance: 100,
enable: false,
frequency: 1,
opacity: 0.4,
shadow: {
blur: 5,
color: {
value: "#000",
enable: false,
triangles: {
enable: false,
frequency: 1,
width: 1,
warp: false,
repulse: {
random: {
enable: false,
minimumValue: 0,
value: 0,
enabled: false,
distance: 1,
duration: 1,
factor: 1,
speed: 1,
pauseOnBlur: true,
pauseOnOutsideViewport: true,
responsive: [],
smooth: false,
style: {},
themes: [],
zLayers: 100,
emitters: {
autoPlay: true,
fill: true,
life: {
wait: false,
rate: {
quantity: 1,
delay: 7,
shape: "square",
startCount: 0,
size: {
mode: "percent",
height: 0,
width: 0,
particles: {
shape: {
type: "images",
options: {
images: {
src: "",
width: 500,
height: 634,
size: {
value: 40,
move: {
speed: 10,
outModes: {
default: "none",
right: "destroy",
straight: true,
zIndex: {
value: 0,
rotate: {
value: {
min: 0,
max: 360,
animation: {
enable: true,
speed: 10,
sync: true,
position: {
x: -5,
y: 55,
motion: {
disable: false,
reduce: {
factor: 4,
value: true,

export default ParticleBackground;
  • If you want to change the background theme, then change the value inside the options = { copied theme code here } which was exported by you from
  • Integrate your code carefully.
  • In case you don’t find the options={} tag you can find it by ctrl+f in your Vscode

5. You have to import your Particle.jsx file into the App.jsx

import { useState } from 'react'
import reactLogo from './assets/react.svg'
import viteLogo from '/vite.svg'
import './App.css'
import ParticleBackground from './components/Particle';

function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const onHandleClick = () => {
setCount((count) => count + 1);

return (
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
<img src={viteLogo} className="logo" alt="Vite logo" />
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
<img src={reactLogo} className="logo react" alt="React logo" />
<h1>Vite + React</h1>
<div className="card">
<button onClick={onHandleClick}>
count is {count}
Edit <code>src/App.jsx</code> and save to test HMR
<p className="read-the-docs">
Click on the Vite and React logos to learn more

export default App

ScreenShot :

“When I wrote this code, only God and I understood what I did. Now only God knows.”

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Happy Coding 👨‍💻🚀to Everyone…



Yash Kumar Shrivas

I'm a passionate developer and want to collaborate, and network with amazing peers to get my hands dirty with every tech stack I know.