Mastering Chakra UI: A Comprehensive Guide

Yash Mandi
5 min readApr 21, 2024


Chakra UI emerged as a game-changer in the realm of React development, offering a rich library of customizable components to streamline UI creation. Founded by Segun Adebayo, Chakra UI made its debut as an open-source project aimed at simplifying the process of building beautiful and responsive user interfaces for React applications.

The journey of Chakra UI began with a vision to address common pain points encountered by developers during UI development. Segun Adebayo recognized the need for a versatile and developer-friendly UI library that prioritized speed, accessibility, and customization. With this vision in mind, Chakra UI was crafted to empower developers with a comprehensive toolkit for creating modern web applications with ease.

As we delve deeper into the world of Chakra UI, let’s explore its installation process, upgrade pathways, and the myriad features that make it a cornerstone of modern React development. Join us on a journey to master Chakra UI and unlock the full potential of your React applications.


To begin harnessing the power of Chakra UI in your React projects, the installation process is straightforward and hassle-free. Follow these simple steps to integrate Chakra UI into your development environment:

Step 1: Install Chakra UI Packages

Start by installing the necessary Chakra UI packages using your preferred package manager, such as npm or yarn. Open your terminal and execute the following command:

npm install @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion

or using yarn:

yarn add @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion

This command installs the core Chakra UI package (@chakra-ui/react) along with required dependencies for styling and animations.

Step 2: Set up Theme Provider

Once the packages are installed, you need to set up the Chakra UI Theme Provider in your React application.

In your main application file (often index.js or App.js), import the ChakraProvider and wrap your application component with it:

javascriptCopy code
import { ChakraProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import App from "./App";
<App />

This code snippet initializes the Chakra UI Theme Provider, making Chakra UI components available for use throughout your application.

Step 3: Start Building

With Chakra UI successfully installed and configured, you’re ready to start building stunning user interfaces for your React applications. Utilize the vast array of customizable components, utility functions, and styling options offered by Chakra UI to streamline your development workflow and create visually appealing UIs with ease.

Upgrade Steps

Transitioning from Chakra UI v1 to v2 is essential for accessing its latest features and enhancements. Follow these steps for a seamless upgrade:

  1. Update Dependencies: Ensure compatibility by updating @chakra-ui packages to @chakra-ui/<package-name>@2.0.0. Also, upgrade React dependencies to version 18 or higher.
  2. Adjust createStandaloneToast: Modify your code to render the ToastContainer component explicitly for createStandaloneToast usage.
  3. Color Mode Enhancement: Optimize color mode handling for smoother transitions between light and dark modes, aligning with your app’s needs.
  4. New Style Creation Methods: Embrace new style creation methods (defineStyle, defineStyleConfig, defineMultiStyleConfig) for enhanced developer experience.
  5. Handle Deprecated Features: Address removals of deprecated features, ensuring compatibility and efficiency in your codebase.

New Features

Chakra UI v2 brings a plethora of exciting new features and enhancements, designed to elevate your React development experience to new heights. Dive into the latest version of Chakra UI and discover how these innovative additions can supercharge your UI creation process:

1. Improved Color Mode Support

Chakra UI v2 introduces significant improvements to color mode handling, ensuring seamless transitions between light and dark modes. With enhanced color mode transitions and customizable storage key configurations, you have greater flexibility and control over your application’s color scheme.

2. New Style Creation Methods

Say goodbye to cumbersome styling approaches. Chakra UI v2 introduces a set of new methods for creating component styles, including defineStyle, defineStyleConfig, and defineMultiStyleConfig. These methods offer a more intuitive and streamlined developer experience, empowering you to create custom styles with ease.

3. Streamlined Upgrade Process

Upgrading from Chakra UI v1 to v2 is now smoother than ever, thanks to comprehensive upgrade steps and detailed documentation provided by the Chakra UI team. Transitioning your projects to the latest version is hassle-free, allowing you to leverage the latest features and enhancements without unnecessary complexity.

4. Deprecated Features Removal

Chakra UI v2 removes certain deprecated features, streamlining the library and enhancing performance and maintainability. Say goodbye to outdated props, hooks, and components, and embrace a cleaner and more efficient codebase.

5. Enhanced Documentation and Resources

Discover a wealth of updated documentation, examples, and resources tailored to Chakra UI v2. Whether you’re a seasoned Chakra UI user or just getting started, the comprehensive documentation and community support ensure that you have everything you need to succeed in your React development journey.

6. Community-driven Development

Join a vibrant community of developers and contributors driving the evolution of Chakra UI. Share your feedback, contribute to the project, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to shape the future of React UI development.


In wrapping up our exploration of Chakra UI v2, it’s clear that this latest iteration represents a significant leap forward in React UI development. With its array of new features, streamlined upgrade process, and enhanced documentation, Chakra UI v2 empowers developers to create modern, responsive, and visually stunning user interfaces with unparalleled ease.

By following the essential upgrade steps outlined in this guide, you’ve successfully positioned your projects to take advantage of the latest innovations in Chakra UI. From improved color mode support to new style creation methods, Chakra UI v2 provides the tools and resources necessary to streamline your development workflow and deliver exceptional user experiences.

As you continue to leverage Chakra UI v2 in your projects, remember to tap into the vibrant community and wealth of resources available. Whether you’re seeking guidance, inspiration, or collaboration, the Chakra UI community is there to support you every step of the way.

Embrace the evolution of Chakra UI and let your creativity flourish as you build immersive, accessible, and delightful user interfaces that captivate audiences and elevate your applications to new heights. With Chakra UI v2 as your toolkit, the possibilities are limitless.

My Expense TrackerProject with Chakra UI v2

Let’s shine a light on my Expense Tracker project, powered by Chakra UI v2. This project truly showcases the library’s capabilities in real-world scenarios. With Chakra UI’s intuitive components and flexible design, I’ve created an application that simplifies expense management for users. From its interface to its seamless functionality, my Expense Tracker demonstrates the versatility of Chakra UI in crafting immersive user experiences. As I continue to refine and enhance my project, I’m excited to explore the latest features introduced in Chakra UI v2.

