The Best Online Course Websites You Should Check This Year

Yash Sharma
5 min readJul 30, 2019



All the e-learning platform calls themselves as “The best online course website”. But are they really worth it? We will try to find out the answer to this question.

When it comes to online learning, there are lots of names. But which platform you should go with. This might be a matter of concern of you. It’s also a headache for me earlier.

When I started with online learning it was really a pain for me to select the best-suited E-Learning platform. I have also wasted huge a sum of money choosing the wrong platforms.

That was really frustrating for me.

I had chosen a platform just looking at their marketing. It tells everything positive. I got excited and bought the course that I needed. Soon after purchasing, I realized that the course was not worth the money and the money has been wasted.

This incident has provoked me to do proper research prior to buying a course from any platform.

After this, I have never attracted by good marketing. Before buying any course, I do proper research on my own.

Over the year, these researches figured out some platform on which you can buy the course.

Keep in mind, these will be my personal choice.

Top 5 Best Online Course Website

Let me quickly show you some of my top e-learning platform which has helped me a lot.

1. Udemy Quick Review

It is one of the most popular platforms. It is often called as “Amazon of E-Learning”.

But why this name has been popular?

For the simple reason that it has courses on almost every topic. If you can name it, you will find it here. This is the all-in-one website.

The courses are very cheap. You can find courses at $10.

I had extensively used this platform in college.

This platform has systematic steps in order to get knowledge.

Many times, you might think of buying the courses in bulk due to its low prices. But my past experience has shown this is not a good strategy.

When you buy the course, it will be left in your courses folder. This could be very little chance that you might complete this. So, for that buy a course, complete it and then go for another course.

Buy a single course, get the learnings from it and then go for another course.

2. Coursera Quick Review

I want to get learning from Stanford University, Michigan State University, Princeton University and many more, then it is for you. Coursera has lectures not only from elite universities but also from a top organization like IBM, Google, etc.

With Coursera, you can do the learning of a particular course. This platform helps you to obtain a master certificate.

This makes it a good platform to learn from. The professors from these universities and organizations make good teaching.

They also provide a certificate for completing the course. You have to clear the quizzes and tests to obtain a certificate. The quizzes and test are great to enhance knowledge.

Coursera also has a financial aid program. In this program, you can get the course for free to learn. I have used this program extensively to get some skills for free


3. edX Quick Review

One of the major competitors of Coursera is this platform.

edX has learnings from universities like Harvard, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and many more.


edX provides 2 types of certifications — One for a specific course and other for master degree.

edX has 5 different types of certifications catering the need of different persons.

It also offers financial aid up to 90% on specific courses. Just pay 10% of the fees and you are good to go with the course.

You can get more information about edX here.

4. Pluralsight Quick Review

It is a platform which is focused on IT and design-related courses. The platform offers some of the advanced features like — Skill test, Learning tracks and many more. They also use AI to help their students choose the best course.


Pluralsight comes with 2 different types of learning. The one is for personal, i.e. for individual use. The other plan is for business which is for corporates.

So, this platform is good for both.

Pluralsight comes with a different pricing plan for different users.

They also offer certificate and project. These have helped me a lot by enhancing my knowledge deeply.

5. Treehouse Quick Review

Treehouse is dedicated to programmers. If you want to learn to code of any kind, you can check this platform.

It has courses like C#, Java, Python, etc. They also provide industry-related projects to enhance your knowledge. These projects might be helpful to make a portfolio to show to your employers.

Treehouse offers many different features that you could check.

Final Thoughts

The list above contains all the top 5 online websites that you can check. All the websites have a different perspective and cater to different needs. You can choose any of them to learn online.

If you want to know the detailed insight of these platforms, check my website.

Over To You

Let me in the comments below your thought about Online Learning platform.



Yash Sharma

E-learning Enthuasist// Writing about future Learning// E-Learning is the Future of Learning// Founder @learnerzHub