What is GQA(Grouped Query Attention) in Llama 3

Yashvardhan Singh
4 min readJun 12, 2024


Grouped Query Attention is a mechanism used in natural language processing and deep learning models, particularly in the context of transformer architectures. The concept aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of attention mechanisms by organizing queries into groups. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Traditional Attention Mechanism

In a standard attention mechanism, each token in the input sequence attends to all tokens in the sequence, including itself. This process involves:

1. Query: A representation of the token that is being focused on.
2. Key: A representation of all tokens in the sequence.
3. Value: Another representation of all tokens, typically the same as the keys.

The attention score is computed for each query-key pair, and these scores determine how much attention a token pays to others in the sequence. This approach can be computationally expensive, especially for long sequences, as it involves calculating attention scores for all token pairs.

Grouped Query Attention

Grouped Query Attention modifies this approach by dividing the queries into groups. The primary goal is to reduce the computational load and potentially enhance the performance of the model. Here’s how it works:

1. Grouping Queries: Instead of treating each query independently, the model groups queries into smaller subsets. These groups are processed together, reducing the number of attention calculations required.
2. Shared Attention Scores: Within each group, queries share attention scores, which can lead to more efficient computation. The model computes the attention scores for a representative subset of the queries in the group and applies these scores to the entire group.
3. Reduced Complexity: By grouping queries, the number of required operations is reduced. This can be particularly beneficial for long sequences, where the quadratic complexity of traditional attention mechanisms becomes a significant bottleneck.

Advantages of Grouped Query Attention

1. Efficiency: It reduces the computational cost associated with attention mechanisms, especially for long sequences.
2. Scalability: It makes it feasible to handle larger sequences or batch sizes without a proportional increase in computational resources.
3. Performance: In some cases, grouped query attention can lead to better generalization and performance by leveraging the shared context within groups.


Grouped Query Attention is applicable in various domains of natural language processing, such as:

Machine Translation: Improving the efficiency of translation models by handling long sentences more effectively.
Text Summarization: Managing long documents and extracting summaries without prohibitive computational costs.
Language Modeling: Enhancing the training and inference of large-scale language models.


Implementing Grouped Query Attention typically involves:

1. Dividing the input sequence into groups.
2. Applying the attention mechanism within each group.
3. Aggregating the results from each group to form the final output.

This approach requires careful consideration of how to group the queries and how to manage the interactions between different groups to ensure the model’s overall coherence and performance.

Consider a transformer model with an input sequence of 8 tokens. Normally, each token would attend to all 8 tokens, resulting in a 8×88 \times 88×8 attention matrix. With Grouped Query Attention, we divide the tokens into smaller groups, say 2 groups of 4 tokens each.

Step-by-Step Process

Input Sequence

Assume the input sequence is:


Grouping Queries

We divide these tokens into 2 groups:

Group 1=[T1,T2,T3,T4]

Group 2=[T5,T6,T7,T8]

Computing Attention Within Groups

Each group calculates attention scores internally. For simplicity, let’s assume we have the following simplified attention mechanism:

Where Q is the query, K is the key, and dk​ is the dimension of the key.

For Group 1:

  • Compute attention scores for tokens [T1, T2, T3, T4].
  • This results in a 4×4 attention matrix.

For Group 2:

  • Compute attention scores for tokens [T5, T6, T7, T8].
  • This results in another 4×4 attention matrix.

Shared Attention Scores Within Groups

Within each group, attention scores are shared. For instance, the attention matrix for Group 1 might look like:

And for Group 2:

Attention Calculation

Each token in a group attends to the other tokens in its group based on the computed scores. For example, T1 will attend to T2, T3, and T4 using the scores from the first row of the Group 1 attention matrix.

Combining Results

After computing the attention within each group, we combine the results to form the final output sequence. The output for each token is a weighted sum of the values of the tokens it attends to.

Summary of Benefits

By grouping the queries:

  • Reduced Complexity: Instead of computing attention for an 8×8 matrix, we compute two 4×4 matrices, significantly reducing the number of computations.
  • Scalability: This method scales better for long sequences, as the attention computation grows quadratically with the group size rather than the entire sequence length.


This simplified example illustrates how Grouped Query Attention can efficiently handle longer sequences by dividing them into smaller groups and computing attention within each group. This approach reduces computational complexity while maintaining the ability to capture relevant relationships within the sequence.

