Google Cloud Study Jams Info-Session

Empowering Cloud Enthusiasts: Navigating the Google Cloud Study Jams Journey at Bennett University

Yash Singh
4 min readNov 23, 2023


Navigating my second year as a B.Tech CSE student at Bennett University, my roles as the Cloud Expert at GDSC BU and President of the Bennett Cloud Computing Club placed me in the ideal position to become the facilitator of Study Jams 2023 that I yearned for in my first year.

Having successfully completed the Google Cloud Study Jams campaign during my first year, I was amazed by the valuable opportunity it presented to delve into the intricacies of Google Cloud and its features. It was more than just a learning experience for me; it was an immersion into the fascinating world of Google Cloud and the starting point of my cloud journey. It sparked a curiosity in me that evolved into a genuine passion for cloud computing.

Collaboration: Elevating the Campaign Together

Fast forward to this year, and GDSC BU, in collaboration with the Bennett Cloud Computing Club decided to elevate the campaign to new heights. The goal was clear — to saturate the campus with awareness about the campaign. From our college Club Mela to onboarding sessions and informational gatherings, we tirelessly shared information about this invaluable opportunity.

Prior to the campaign launch, the momentum surged with two successful events, each drawing in about 250+ students. The collaborative efforts of the GDSC BU, led by Om Sarraf, and the Cloud Computing teams set the stage for what was to come. A significant highlight was the workshop in which our invited guest, Mr. Pranay Nanda, a distinguished customer engineer at Google India, shed light on the importance of Gen AI and Cloud, offering invaluable insights to our selected candidates.

The collaboration allowed for the leveraging of specialized expertise from both clubs. Members of the Cloud Computing Club, being cloud technology enthusiasts, brought in-depth knowledge of cloud platforms and technologies, making them valuable mentors for the participants. The fact that almost the entire team had previously completed the Study Jams campaign added an extra layer of assurance, ensuring that participants had mentors well-versed in the intricacies of the program. This not only facilitated smoother problem-solving but also encouraged a culture of knowledge-sharing, The collaboration created a network effect that extended beyond the confines of the campaign. The relationships built during the collaboration became a foundation for future joint initiatives and collaborative projects.

This collaborative synergy not only strengthened the campaign’s outreach but also created a dynamic platform for students to engage with industry professionals, enhancing the overall learning experience. The pooling of resources and expertise from both clubs not only broadened the scope of the campaign but also demonstrated the power of unity in achieving common goals.

Community Impact: Fostering a Culture of Support and Learning

As the campaign unfolded, we created a vibrant WhatsApp community for all the participants. Experienced Study Jams participants and senior members of the GDSC and Cloud Computing teams were readily available to guide, inspire, and address queries, 24/7. The contagious sense of camaraderie in the community was evident, fuelling students’ progress from the very first day and fostering an active and engaged learning environment.

Participants, regardless of their experience level, found a supportive network within the community. It became a space not only to seek guidance on technical aspects but also to share success stories, challenges, and celebrate milestones collectively. The community served as a testament to the strength of collaborative learning, where individuals with diverse backgrounds came together with a shared passion for cloud computing.

The impact on the community extended beyond the technical realm, instilling a sense of belonging and shared purpose. The interaction within the community wasn’t just limited to the virtual space; it transcended into real-world connections and friendships. The relationships formed during the campaign became a valuable network for future collaborations and knowledge-sharing.

Throughout the month-long campaign, the community played a pivotal role in maintaining motivation and encouraging each participant to overcome challenges. The success achieved in the campaign was not just individual but a collective triumph for everyone involved.

Campaign Significance: Unlocking Opportunities and Achieving Milestones

Through hands-on learning experiences and practical applications, the campaign serves as a unique platform for participants to deepen their understanding of complex cloud computing concepts. The Google Cloud Study Jams campaign stands out for its technical importance by empowering participants with the knowledge and proficiency needed to navigate the complexities of Google Cloud. It serves as a catalyst for individual technical growth while fostering a collaborative community that collectively advances its understanding and application of cutting-edge cloud computing technologies.

One of my personal highlights was participating in facilitator sessions, providing a glimpse into Generative AI excellence. Learning directly from Romin, the sessions went beyond the standard curriculum, equipping me not only to deepen my understanding but also to impart knowledge to fellow students.

As I reflect on this transformative journey, it’s evident that the Google Cloud Study Jams campaign is more than a conduit for technical skills. It’s a testament to the power of collective efforts and the boundless possibilities that emerge when a community comes together to learn, share, and succeed. I encourage everyone to share their experiences and join similar initiatives, unlocking the untapped potential within themselves an fostering a culture of continuous growth and collaboration.

Yash Singh
Facilitator, Google Cloud Study Jams 2023



Yash Singh

Open Source enthusiast | Google DSC Member | Mentor at Social Winter of Code | Frontend developer | React.js | Node.js |