Crafting Tranquility and Boosting Productivity: The Zen Pulse Mini Story

Yashasvi Rathore
14 min readSep 8, 2023


Working and studying at home for hours on end can feel like a never-ending rollercoaster of assignments, Zoom meetings, and the occasional Netflix temptation. A quest to conquer the seven-hour study session feels more like a mental marathon. But what if I tell you there’s a gadget for your mundane work and study sessions that could transform them into enchanting experiences?

This is the story of Zen Pulse Mini, the pint-sized powerhouse born from creativity and caffeine-fueled brainstorming sessions, destined to revolutionize the way people experience their home offices.

Come along with me to design an enchanting experience for these dedicated souls, who deserve more than just a bland desk and a cup of lukewarm coffee.

🎯My mission was clear: optimize their workspace, bring the joy of stress relief, and sprinkle in a little fun, all while crafting a product from the ground up.

mood board/ inspiration

Let’s look at the Stress-Busting Home Office Companion I have designed

Zen Pulse Mini: The Final Prototype

Dimensions of the product: 114×90×121 mm

⭐Why wait? Dive straight into Zen Pulse Mini, the ingenious home office solution that’s redefining productivity and well-being. For those on the go, here’s a lightning-speed tour:

Aromatherapy Diffuser: Say goodbye to stress as it fills your workspace with serene, calming scents. By clicking on the ‘AT’ button on the keyboard you can enable this feature and even control the settings of the diffuser. These relaxing aromas enhance the sensory experience and further promote relaxation.

Daily Doodles: Embrace creativity with daily, delightful doodles that add a splash of fun to your day. It is a simple drawing tool on the device’s screen for users to create quick doodles or sketches during their breaks, allowing for creative expression.

Binaural and Nature Sounds: Tune into nature-inspired audio to supercharge your focus and productivity. A curated collection of over 100 soothing binaural beats and nature sounds, enhancing focus, relaxation, and productivity. The phenomenal speaker delivers these sounds, and users can also connect their headphones for a personalized experience.

Motivational Quotes: Stay inspired with uplifting quotes that transform your workspace into a motivational haven. The device displays motivational quotes, fostering a positive work environment and keeping users motivated throughout their workday.

Clock and Timer: Master your workday with precision using these scheduling tools, ensuring a perfect work-life balance that contributes to improved time management and productivity.

Zen Pulse Mini isn’t just a gadget; it’s your secret recipe for a stress-free, creativity-boosting, and highly productive home office. It’s time to rewrite the rules of your workspace. 🚀

⭐Feature flow of the gadget:

These illustrations depict the core solution enabling you to delve into the subsequent sections that further talk about the design process, challenges, and outcomes.

But what it is that we are trying to solve here?

Diving into the core problem that led to me designing a gadget like Zen Pulse mini !!!

⭐The root problem at the heart of this case study revolves around enhancing the home office experience that I identified through my user interviews: diligent people who spend long hours working and studying within the confines of their homes. They face challenges like stress, focus fatigue, and a lack of motivation.

They are faced with a multifaceted challenge like these that extends beyond mere pain points; it’s an opportunity to elevate their existing experience.

Extended hours in a monotonous and uninspiring workspace can lead to increased stress, fatigue, and diminished mental well-being.😵

A well-crafted home office space can translate into heightened productivity, helping students achieve more in less time. It’s not merely about making tasks easier; it’s about optimizing their potential for academic and professional success.

Infusing an element of fun and enjoyment into the workspace can transform it from a place of obligation into one of inspiration.

It can boost motivation, encourage creativity, and make the daily grind of studying and working an engaging and fulfilling journey.🚀

The importance of solving this problem for them lies in the profound impact it has on their-

Well-being- reduces stress and promotes relaxation

Productivity- enhances focus and motivation

Environment- fostering a positive environment that encourages a more enjoyable and engaging workspace

Work Outcomes- better academic and professional performance.

Exploring Beneath the Surface

From identifying problems in the home office area to designing a game-changing gadget for their work setup

Each step in this journey was a deliberate pivot, driven by a quest to solve the most profound problem-

Initial Ambiguity😵: Initially faced with ambiguity regarding the direction of the project, I honed my approach by refining my questionnaire. This allowed me to engage users in deeper conversations, transcending surface issues.

✅Questionnaire Refinement: To move beyond surface-level issues and uncover hidden challenges.

My journey started with comprising user interviews with peers navigating the challenges of home-based study and work.

User Interviews with Peers: To validate the depth of the problem and realize that some issues could be addressed through product consultation.

These initial conversations unveiled surface-level problems like wire chaos, ergonomic woes, and storage struggles.

While these issues could be addressed through existing solutions, I yearned to unearth a deeper problem that could redefine the home office experience!

Amidst these conversations, a root problem emerged — the profound need for stress relief, motivation, and an environment that transcended the mundane. My peers were used to the status quo, but I aspired to craft a transformative solution that would resonate deeply with their aspirations and ambitions.

What set this root problem apart was its potential to transform the home office experience holistically. It was about more than addressing pain points; it was about elevating well-being, productivity, and engagement.

Identifying the Root Problem: Recognizing the pressing need for an elevated home office experience beyond existing solutions.

Ideation followed, with brainstormed concepts ranging from motivational posters to aromatherapy diffusers. Feedback from peers and mentors played a pivotal role in refining these ideas.

Ideation and Final Solution: Iteration and feedback led to Zen Pulse Mini — a holistic solution born from the desire to make a substantial impact on the users’ lives.

Decisions That Defined Success

Here are some of the important decisions that I took during the course of the project.

🌟Let’s pivot away from the exhaustive chronological project narrative and zoom in on the important choices that shaped the course of my project. Think of it like the highlights of a game — the moments that made all the difference.

Here’s how structuring my questions in different categories made me understand the user journey better

Prior to engaging with my users, I started to create a questionnaire, to explore the uncharted territory of their needs and experiences.

It all began with a rather vague and disorganized first interview. 😓

In my initial attempt, my questions were all over the map, bouncing from topic to topic with no clear direction.😵

The result? The conversation lacked depth and clarity. It was evident that I needed a more systematic approach to extract meaningful insights.

✅I started by creating categories for my questions, each one tailored to a specific aspect of the user’s experience.

✅By doing so, I provided a clear framework for our discussions, allowing both the users and me to structure our thoughts and dive deeper into the subjects that mattered most.

✅With categorized questions in hand, I could now guide the conversation more effectively, ensuring that we explored key facets of the user journey comprehensively.

✅This decision wasn’t just about asking the right questions; it was about understanding the importance of creating a conducive environment for meaningful dialogue.

🤔The evolution of my interview approach isn’t best described in words alone. For a clearer visual representation of this journey, please refer to the infographic below that outlines the shift from disarray to structured inquiry, illuminating the impact of this critical decision on my user research process!

This structured questioning approach not only helped me gain a deeper understanding of the user journey but also led me to a critical decision: to design ZenPulse Mini as a multifunctional device that seamlessly integrated stress relief, nature-inspired elements, and motivational features into the home office.

This decision was grounded in the genuine needs and desires of the users, ensuring that our solution would genuinely enhance their daily work and study routines.

Rooted in Transformation- Elevating User Experiences Through Problem Prioritization

As our journey progressed, a significant crossroads emerged — one that would fundamentally shape the direction of our project. It centered on the critical decision to focus on root problems rather than settling for surface-level issues.

Initially, it was tempting to address these surface-level problems with quick fixes or by recommending existing products and tweaks. It would have been the easy path to take, a straightforward approach that might have resolved some immediate pain points.

However, in my quest to truly elevate the user experience, I made the critical decision to challenge the status quo and dig deeper.

✅This decision required a shift in perspective, from merely identifying problems to understanding their underlying causes.

✅It allowed me to envision solutions that went beyond the immediate pain points and aimed to transform the entire landscape of my users’ daily work and study routines.

For instance, one surface-level problem identified was the lack of proper cable management in home offices. It seemed like a straightforward issue to tackle, but by focusing solely on this problem, I would have missed the bigger picture.

✅The root problem here was not just messy cables; it was the overall lack of organization and efficiency in the workspace.

✅ This meant not just fixing what was broken but reimagining the entire home office experience. Instead of merely consulting existing solutions, I chose to take authority and responsibility for creating a more innovative, holistic product.

How Zen Pulse mini emerged from a sea of ideas as a guiding light for optimizing home-office experience

After intense brainstorming and a deep dive into user needs, I found myself swimming among nearly 40 potential solutions, each with its unique allure.

It was a fascinating landscape of possibilities, but one that required precision and strategy to navigate effectively.

Among these solutions, I found some solutions that resonated well with my mission to optimize the overall experience of the users -

The wire management desk concept aimed to address this issue comprehensively. It featured a built-in organization system with compartments, a detachable box for wire management, and a slate cover to maintain a clean and organized workspace.

Many users faced difficulties managing their cables, resulting in a chaotic and less efficient workspace.

Ergonomic plank chair with detachable slate — aimed to provide a versatile solution. It allowed users to keep their keyboard, food, or other essentials close by, promoting better posture and comfort. This design also addressed space issues, offering a dual-purpose chair and work surface.

⭐While the ergonomic plank chair and wire management desk addressed a significant concern in home offices, it was still a specific solution that catered to a subset of users with distinct needs.

The impact of the chair’s design and desk was indirect to optimizing the whole experience of diverse users, making it less aligned with the project’s goal of creating a transformative and user-centric solution.

✅Through interviews, I uncovered a common thread — the rollercoaster ride of motivation and the allure of binge-watching content. It was clear that these challenges affected productivity and needed a solution.

✅In prioritizing ZenPulse Mini over these ideas, the focus was on addressing root problems that had a more direct and profound impact on users’ home office experiences.

✅ ZenPulse Mini was chosen as it had the potential to address the broader issues of stress, motivation, and productivity faced by a wider audience of home office users, making it a more compelling choice for the project’s objectives.

Crafting ZenPulse Mini’s Feature Set: Balancing User Needs, Practicality, and Impact

How the selection of the specific features for ZenPulse Mini was determined among numerous possibilities-

✅The foundation of choosing these features was a deep understanding of the user’s needs and pain points.

  • Through extensive research and user interviews, it became evident that certain issues were prevalent and required immediate attention.
  • Stress and motivation challenges were recurring themes, as were the need for time management and the importance of hydration during long work hours.
  • By aligning the features with these critical needs, I aimed to create a product that directly addressed the root problems faced by home office users.

While brainstorming various functionalities, I assessed each one’s practicality and potential impact.

  • Features like a clock and timer were deemed essential as they directly contributed to better time management.
  • The hydration reminder, although seemingly straightforward, had the potential to positively impact users’ health and well-being.
  • Binaural beats of nature sounds were chosen as they offered a non-intrusive way to alleviate stress and boost concentration.
  • Motivational quotes provided a daily dose of inspiration, fostering a positive mindset.
  • The integrated AI personal assistant introduced interactivity, offering practical assistance and an element of fun!

⭐It’s important to note that the selection of these features was not a one-time decision but part of an iterative design process. The goal was to create a prototype that could be tested and refined based on user feedback.

⭐This approach allowed for flexibility in adding, modifying, or removing features based on how they performed in real-world scenarios.

✔️In the following segment, we will delve into the journey of iterating ZenPulse Mini and the lessons learned in the pursuit of creating the truly perfect product that aligns with our mission of elevating the user experience.

Feature Evolution: How Eliminating and Introducing Features Transformed ZenPulse Mini into a Game-Changer

The critical decision was to refine and optimize the product based on invaluable insights gleaned from deep conversations with users.

This decision marked a pivotal moment in the development process, as it led to the elimination of two features — the hydration reminder and AI, while welcoming two new features — daily doodles and an aromatherapy diffuser.

❌Eliminating Features:

Hydration Reminder: One of the features initially incorporated was the hydration reminder, designed to encourage users to stay hydrated. However, user feedback revealed that this feature was perceived as intrusive and potentially distracting.

  • Users expressed concerns that constant reminders might disrupt their workflow and that they preferred a less complex user experience without unnecessary interruptions.

Integrated AI: The AI feature, initially intended to provide assistance and interactivity, raised concerns related to privacy and the potential for distraction. Users felt apprehensive about a device potentially listening to their conversations, raising privacy issues.

  • Additionally, some users noted that they might be tempted to engage with the AI feature in ways that would divert their focus from work or studying.

✅Incorporating New Features:

Daily Doodles: In response to user feedback and the desire for a more interactive and stress-relieving experience, the decision was made to introduce daily doodles.

  • This feature allowed users to engage in creative expression by providing a new doodle each day.
  • Users could unwind and destress by coloring in the doodles, fostering relaxation and creativity during work breaks.

Aromatherapy Diffuser: Another feature that found its way into ZenPulse Mini was an aromatherapy diffuser.

  • Users expressed a need for a natural and calming atmosphere in their home offices.
  • By incorporating an aromatherapy diffuser, ZenPulse Mini offered the soothing scents of essential oils, creating an ambiance that contributed to stress relief and overall well-being.

Zen Pulse Mini Beyond the Horizon: Envisioning Future Enhancements

Future Scope:

While the current iteration of Zen Pulse Mini has already evolved into a powerful stress-relief and productivity companion, its journey is far from over.

In the spirit of continuous improvement and enriching the user experience, several exciting possibilities await in the future-

✔️AI and Voice Assistant Integration: While early user testing hinted at potential distractions, the appeal of integrating a voice assistant remains undeniable.

⭐The voice of Zen Pulse Mini could serve as a friendly, motivating companion, offering personalized assistance, answering queries, and enhancing the user experience. This futuristic addition would infuse the product with character and elevate its interactive capabilities.

✔️Hydration Reminder Reimagined: Although sidelined in the current version, the hydration reminder remains an intriguing prospect. Users’ valuable feedback highlighted the importance of addressing the root problem — stress and motivation.

⭐As Zen Pulse Mini matures, there’s room for it to acquire an additional layer of character. A refined hydration feature, integrated thoughtfully, could become a supportive sidekick, ensuring users not only conquer stress but also maintain their well-being.

✔️Ecosystem Integration: Exploring integration with other smart home devices and platforms opens doors to a more connected and immersive home office experience. Users can sync Zen Pulse Mini with lighting systems, calendars, and other productivity tools, creating a cohesive and harmonious workspace.

Insights and Revelations

Key learnings from this project

✅The Value of Time Management:

  • Time is a critical constraint. The notion that “planning is just guessing” from the book “Rework” became a guiding principle. I realized that actions, no matter how small, reveal insights that a plan can’t capture, emphasizing the importance of doing endless preparations.
  • So what I learned is to have some ideas inspirational ideas, do some research, design, get feedback, and iterate on the go.

✅Embracing Imperfection:

  • Perhaps the most important lesson was the acceptance that we can’t solve every problem, nor can we create the perfect product. Choices, including the removal of two promising features, emphasized the need to stay rooted in the core problem.

Digging Deeper:

  • Users don’t always articulate their core challenges; sometimes you need to navigate their words and figure out what the root cause of their problem is so that you can also elevate the experiences they are already having.
  • In this case, I intentionally delved beyond surface-level issues that could be resolved through consulting existing market products, such as wire management and storage solutions.
  • Instead, I embarked on a journey to address the cognitive and emotional aspects of the user’s relationship with their workspace. This shift emerged from deep conversations with users, emphasizing the importance of enhancing not just the functional, but the psychological and emotional dimensions of their home office experience.

Validation is Key:

  • The process of validating our solutions through user interviews and discussion which are indispensable tool to determine whether a solution truly works. It reinforced the importance of understanding not just what users say, but also the underlying psychology driving their needs and desires.
  • I did this by constantly getting assurance from my peers and talking out my ideas to get a wider perspective.

If you had a good time reading this

I’d appreciate your feedback on these three specific aspects:

1. Product Feedback:

  • How did you find Zen Pulse Mini in its pre-iteration form?
  • Did the post-iteration enhancements improve its appeal and functionality?

2. User Journey Narrative:

  • Did the storytelling approach effectively engage you and provide insights into the design thinking process?
  • Were there any aspects you found particularly compelling or areas where you’d like more detail?

3. Further Solutions:

  • What additional steps or solutions could I have explored to address the core problem more effectively?

If you’d like to connect and continue the conversation, please find me on LinkedIn. Your insights and connections are greatly appreciated! [ ]

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Ciao ^_^

