Dense Vectors in Natural Language Processing

Yasindu Sanjeewa
5 min readDec 15, 2023


What is a Dense Vector?

Dense vectors are a type of mathematical objects that represent data in machine learning and artificial intelligence. They amount to a kind of vector, where non-zero values mainly populate its elements (features), opposite to sparse vectors overwhelmed with zeroes. Such representation allows the creating of models capable of capturing rich and subtle aspects characteristic of the data.

Importance of Dense Vectors

Many machine learning applications require the use of dense vectors mainly due to their ability to describe subtle relations and nuances that may exist between data. In addition to this semantic similarity that cannot be seen in sparse vectors, other significant utilities of dense vectors include applying them to illustrate word frequency characteristics sets or packages for remotely supervised purposes such as solving or processing natural language, recommendation systems, and sentiment analysis.

Characteristics of Dense Vectors

  • Continuous Values: Dense vectors are represented by real-valued numbers as opposed to the binary or categorical representation. Each dimension represents a feature or characteristic, and the value across that dimension is an actual number.
  • Semantic Richness: Dense vectors are thus designed to capture semantic relationships that exist between entities. Hence, the dense vector representations indicate the similarity of objects or concepts. Therefore, when two things are similar, their vector representations are close in the vector space. This property allows meaning operations, like vector addition and subtraction, to reflect semantic relationships (e.g., “king” — “man” + “woman” results in a vector close to “queen”).
  • High Dimensionality: Typically, their dimensionality is hundreds if not thousands in the case of dense vectors, where each dimension of the vector is usually representative of some feature or aspect of the data. Their high dimensionality results in active spaces that allow the encoding of much more information than sparse vectors like complex and nuanced relations.
  • Multi-Dimensional: Dense vectors have more than one-dimensionality or length, making them multi-dimensional. A dense vector’s expressiveness and ability to depict complex relationships are strongly influenced by its number of dimensions.
  • Efficient Representations: For some tasks, particularly those involving machine learning models where computing performance is critical, dense vectors are frequently more efficient than sparse representations.

Where are Dense Vectors Used?

Diverse applications within the realms of machine learning and artificial intelligence heavily rely on dense vectors. These usage paradigms are pervasive in Natural Language Processing (NLP), where they play quite a fundamental role. They are involved in language understanding, document structuring, and word embeddings, too. Aside from these, the use of dense vectors in recommendation systems helps represent the preferences of the end-user with a high level of accuracy to be able to give a more specific item recommended just for the individual. The compact representations, again, are helpful extractors of features in various computer vision tasks, such as image recognition or extracting features from an image.

Sparse Vectors vs Dense Vectors

Both sparse and dense vectors are useful in many machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. While they have some characteristics, their representation and uses are not the same.

Significantly Representation

  • Sparse vectors: mainly consisting of zeros, with a small number of non-zero elements denoting particular characteristics. Imagine them like wall-mounted light switches that can only have a few buttons on at once.
  • Dense vectors: in most dimensions, there are non-zero values, which can be interpreted as greater complexity and precision to when it comes to data awareness. Dense vectors are like switches or dimmers — every level means different levels of information.
  • Sparse vectors: Focus on explicitly represented features, explicitly stating which elements are present or absent.
  • Dense vectors: Go beyond explicitly stated features. They capture complex relationships and subtle information within the data through the values and relationships between different dimensions.

Computational efficiency

  • Sparse vectors: Require specialized algorithms for operations like distance and similarity calculations due to their sparsity.
  • Dense vectors: Allow for efficient computation using standard vector operations due to their dense representation. This makes them faster and more convenient to work with applications.
  • Sparse vectors: Ideal for high-dimensional data with few active features, such as text data with limited vocabulary or genetic data with few active genes.
  • Dense vectors: More versatile and widely used in various applications like natural language processing, computer vision, recommendation systems, and anomaly detection.

Choosing between sparse and dense vectors:

The choice between sparse and dense vectors depends on the specific task and data characteristics. Consider the following factors:

  • Data size and sparsity: If the data is high-dimensional with few active features, sparse vectors may be more efficient.
  • Computational requirements: If computational efficiency is crucial, dense vectors might be a better choice.
  • Information richness and task complexity: Dense vectors are preferred for tasks requiring capturing complex relationships and subtle information.

Methods to Create Dense Vectors

There are several ways to create dense vectors, and which one to choose depends on the requirements, data, and particular task at hand. These are a few common techniques for creating dense vectors.

  • Neural Language Models (NLMs): Robust algorithms examine huge amounts of data to discover word, sentence, and document representations. A few well-known NLMs are Universal Sentence Encoder (USE), GloVe, and Word2Vec.
  • Word Embeddings: Create dense vectors for individual words based on their relationships in text data.
  • Sentence Embeddings: Generate dense vectors for entire sentences, capturing their overall meaning and relationships.
  • Vision Embeddings: Using the visual characteristics of the photos and videos, extract dense representations.

Neural Language Models for Embeddings:

There are different ways to train neural language models and obtain embeddings, but two of the most popular ones are skip-gram and CBOW (Continuous Bag-of-Words). These methods are based on the idea that words that appear in similar contexts tend to have similar meanings, and therefore, similar embeddings.

  • Skip-gram: Skip-gram is a method that takes a word as input and tries to predict the surrounding words in a window of a given size. For example, given the word “dog”, skip-gram might try to predict “the”, “brown”, “barked”, and “loudly” in a window of size 2. The embeddings are learned by optimizing the model to make accurate predictions.
  • CBOW (Continuous Bag-of-Words): CBOW is a method that takes a group of words as input and tries to predict the word in the middle. For example, given the words “the”, “brown”, “_”, “barked”, and “loudly”, CBOW might try to predict “dog” in the blank. The embeddings are learned by optimizing the model to make accurate predictions.

Both skip-gram and CBOW are simple and efficient ways to train neural language models and generate embeddings, but they have some limitations. For instance, they do not account for the order or the position of the words, and they treat each word as a single unit, ignoring the possibility of multiple meanings or senses. To overcome these issues, more advanced methods have been developed, such as graph embeddings, sense embeddings, and contextualized embeddings.

