Marshmallow tower Reflections: Building a Strong Foundation

yasir iqbal
3 min readJun 16, 2023



The first two weeks of my journey at Amal Academy were filled with excitement, nervousness, and a strong desire to grow personally and professionally. One particular experience stands out in my memory, the activity of making marshmallows as a group. It symbolizes the essence of those initial weeks, where I learned valuable lessons about teamwork, time management, and discovering my own potential.

The Experience:

When I first stepped into Amal Academy, I was filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. It was an unfamiliar environment, but one that held the promise of personal growth and new opportunities. The marshmallow activity served as an icebreaker, allowing me to connect with my fellow participants and start building relationships that would shape the rest of our journey.

Feelings and Initial Impressions:

During the first two weeks, I experienced a roller coaster of emotions. I was eager to learn, but also anxious about whether I would be able to keep up with the challenges ahead. However, the warm and supportive atmosphere created by our mentors and peers quickly put my fears at ease. I felt a sense of belonging and realized that we were all on this journey together, supporting and motivating each other along the way.

Lessons Learned:

In those initial weeks, I gained valuable insights and skills that have had a profound impact on my personal and professional development. Some of the key lessons I learned were:

1. Teamwork: The marshmallow activity taught me the importance of collaboration and effective communication. We had to work together to build a structure that could support the marshmallow. It emphasized the significance of listening to others’ ideas, sharing responsibilities, and leveraging the strengths of each team member.

2. Time Management: As we worked against the clock to complete our marshmallow structure, I realized the importance of managing time efficiently. I learned to prioritize tasks, delegate when necessary, and make quick decisions. This experience instilled in me a sense of urgency and helped me understand the value of time in achieving my goals.

3. Self-Discovery: The first two weeks at Amal Academy provided me with ample opportunities for self-reflection. Through various activities and workshops, I discovered my strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. I gained a clearer understanding of my personal values and aspirations, which empowered me to set ambitious goals and work towards realizing them.

Description: This photo captures a group of participants working together to construct a marshmallow bridge. The image represents the resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills I witnessed and cultivated during the initial weeks at Amal Academy. It serves as a reminder of the challenges we faced and the determination with which we overcame them.


Looking back at those first two weeks at Amal Academy, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences and lessons I gained. The marshmallow activity was just the beginning of a transformative journey that allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. It taught me the importance of teamwork, effective time management, and self-discovery. These lessons continue to guide me as I embark on the next phase of my Amal journey and beyond.

