The Princess, The Tiger, and Destiny Subtitle:

Mysterious Miss ❤️
3 min read5 days ago

A love torn between jealousy and survival—which door did she lead him to? Story: Long long ago, in a distant kingdom ruled by a powerful and capricious king, existed a strange species of justice. A man of contradictions, the king believed that destiny should be the one to judge people’s guilt or otherwise. So he built a tremendous public forum in which condemned men stood before one of two doors. Behind one door crouched a savage and starving tiger that would rend them limb from limb. Behind the other door stood a beautiful woman, behind whom they would be married at once.

The catch? No one knew what was behind each door—not even the condemned.

The folks of his kingdom gathered to see either a gruesome death or a jubilant wedding, for that was the king's method of justice. It was the most vivid spectacle. And the king, of course, enjoyed that unpredictability, particularly when one of his closest subjects is on trial.

One of those would change everything. The king's daughter, a beautiful passionate princess, was made love to by one of common rank. Love is stronger than death but so dangerous does it seem when the king cannot very well allow that to come to fruition. When he learned of the affair, the young man was tossed into prison and a date was set to bring him to trial in the arena. The kingdom buzzed with…

