Meet The Brand New Software Evaluation System — The Cloudswave Score!

Yasmina Yousfi
2 min readOct 13, 2015


First things first. What is Cloudswave?

Cloudswave is a business software platform designed to help small to medium business owners and managers make the right decision when it comes to the software tools they will need in order to improve their daily operations.

With over 2000 web-based, cloud-based, and desktop applications listed in various software categories, it can be tough to go through all of them individually to check how good each one is.

Enter the Cloudswave score

If you’re familiar with movie ratings sites such as or, you would have a better understanding of our scoring system. If not, no worries, it will make sense in no time!

The Cloudswave score is what we like to call the “Metascore” for software evaluation.

The scoring process is quite simple. For each software listed:

  • Cloudswave’s Review Team scours the web to find quality expert reviews from avid software users. These reviews are detailed, clearly discussing the various features offered, the advantages/disadvantages, the “bottom line” and most likely include screenshots of the software’s user interface, dashboard, features, etc.
  • Reviews are selected with respect to a list of criteria to ensure high quality.
  • Most of these expert reviews include the author’s own rating (star or numerical format). In case no rating is provided by the author, an appreciation is given by the Cloudswave team as follows:
Cloudswave Score Appreciation Scale
  • When at least 3 critic reviews are entered in the system for a particular software, the Clousdwave Score *magically* appears. Yes, well the magic happens on the developpers’ side. A carefully thought-out algorithm has been entered to capture the essence of each critic review that is taken into account.

The Cloudswave Score is not the average of the individual review scores and appreciations. It is a weighted average score. This means that some factors used to compute the final score are given more or less weight than other factors. In addition, it takes into account social indicators such as the software product’s website’s ranking, site’s authority, among other factors.

Let’s keep the secret potion that makes up the Cloudswave Score secret, ok?

Bottom Line

Cloudswave has developed this new software evaluation and ranking system with busy business people in mind.

All the software tools listed on Cloudswave are ranked by score. The ones on the top are obviously the best.

This will undoubtedly save you time when you’re trying to choose a software for your company or for your personal use. It’s visually pleasing too!

