Starved to Death: What Went Wrong in Nadine Lockwood’s Family?

For most of her short life, Nadine Lockwood lived an isolated life in a filthy crib without much care or food. That went so far that she starved to death — all while her mother was aware of that. What went wrong in this family?

Yasmin Scherrer
5 min readJul 7, 2022
Photo by Jermaine Ee on Unsplash

Nadine Lockwood’s Difficult Life

Nadine Lockwood was born in September 1991 in Manhattan, New York City. Her actual birthday is unclear and can’t be properly derived from any source.

When she was four, in 1996, she lived with her family in Manhattan’s Washington Heights.

And while she was still young, a lot was already going on in her life. But barely anything positive.

Nadine grew up around six siblings with her parents Carla Lockwood and Leroy Dickerson, although her mother was mainly in charge of the children.

Initially, Lockwood wanted to give Nadine away for adoption, but her husband refused. She actually told police later, “I hated [Nadine].”

This is why Lockwood literally ghosted her daughter, as if she didn’t exist as a normal child. For most of her four years, Nadine’s life was…



Yasmin Scherrer

Writer from Switzerland • Diploma in journalism and editing • Crime, Health, History • Also on Medium: @zeitgeister